26th Soar Workshop
MAY 22-26, 2006
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Original announcement page
Participant group photo
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Time |
Duration |
Presenter |
Title |
Links |
8:00-9:00 |
60 |
Registration and Bagels |
9:00-10:15 |
75 |
Cognitive Modeling |
15 |
John Laird |
Introductions |
30 |
Bob Marinier |
Unifying Cognitive Functions and Emotional Appraisal |
slides |
15 |
Deryle Lonsdale |
Update on Soar-based language processing |
slides |
10:15-10:45 |
30 |
Break |
10:45-12:00 |
75 |
Learning and Memory |
15 |
Andrew Nuxoll |
Steps toward a Domain Independent Episodic Memory |
slides |
15 |
Yongjia Wang |
Integrating Semantic Memory in Soar |
slides |
15 |
Shelley Nason |
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning in Soar |
slides |
15 |
Nick Gorski |
Methods for Transfer Learning Using Soar |
slides |
15 |
Discussion |
12:00-1:15 |
75 |
Lunch |
1:15-2:45 |
90 |
Learning and Advanced Capabilities |
5 |
David Ray |
Soar Technology Community Liaison |
slides |
5 |
Alan Vayda |
Self Introduction |
slides |
5 |
Jong Kim |
Soar FAQ |
slides |
15 |
Elyon DeKoven |
Participatory scenario design and simulation on the ICF testbed |
slides |
30 |
Joseph Xu |
ORTS: A Case Study of Multi-Tasking in Soar |
slides |
15 |
Sam Wintermute |
Visual Attention for a Real-Time Strategy Game Game |
slides |
15 |
Discussion |
2:45-3:15 |
30 |
Break |
3:15-5:00 |
105 |
Advanced Capabilities |
30 |
Scott Lathrop |
Incorporating Visual Imagery into a Cognitive Architecture |
slides |
30 |
Jonathan Beard |
Spatial & Temporal Reasoning (SPAT-R) |
slides |
25 |
Brian Magerko |
Player Modeling in IDA |
slides |
20 |
Discussion |
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Time |
Duration |
Presenter |
Title |
Links |
9:00-10:15 |
75 |
Applications |
20 |
Brian Magerko |
Interactive Storytelling Architecture for Training |
slides |
15 |
Jim Rosbe |
Soar Technology Update |
slides |
25 |
Brian Stensrud |
IF-Soar: An Autonomous Fire Direction Center |
slides |
15 |
Jonathan T. Beard |
Joint Fires & Effects Training System |
slides |
10:15-10:45 |
30 |
Break |
10:45-12:00 |
75 |
Soar Architecture |
15 |
John Laird |
A Proposal For Changing Soar’s Decision Procedure |
slides |
45 |
Douglas Pearson |
What’s New in Soar 8.6.2 |
slides |
15 |
Discussion |
12:00-1:15 |
75 |
Lunch |
1:15-2:45 |
90 |
Soar from an AI perspective |
15 |
Scott Wallace |
S-Assess: Self-Assessment with Soar |
slides |
15 |
Robert Wray |
Relevance Estimation for Evidence Marshalling |
slides |
30 |
Randolph Jones |
HLSR: Compiling to Soar |
slides |
15 |
Robert Wray |
Modularity in Soar-based Applications |
slides |
15 |
Jacob Crossman |
SoarML: A Graphical Modeling Language for Agents |
slides |
2:45-3:15 |
30 |
Break |
3:15-4:30 |
75 |
Control and Architecture |
15 |
John Laird |
Pyramid Problems in Soar & ACT-R |
slides |
15 |
Rick Lewis |
Control and Metacognition: A View from EPIC, Soar and ACT-R |
slides |
30 |
Rick Lewis |
Cognitive Constraint Modeling: An Alternative to Traditional Architectures |
slides |
15 |
Discussion |
Friday, May 26, 2006
Time |
Duration |
Presenter |
Title |
Links |
9:00-10:15 |
75 |
Brain inspired computation |
15 |
John Laird |
BICA: Biologically-Inspired Cognitive Architecture |
slides |
60 |
Rick Granger |
Principles of Brain Computation |
10:15-10:45 |
30 |
Break |
10:45-12:00 |
75 |
Brain inspired computation |
15 |
Lee Newman |
Clusters, Symbols and Cortical Topography |
slides |
15 |
Yongjia Wang |
Integrating Clustering and Semantic Memory in Soar |
slides |
30 |
Thad Polk |
Biologically-Inspired Control in Problem Solving |
slides |
15 |
Discussion |