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While Soar is an academic, open-source project, there are several options to get help ing learning Soar and developing Soar systems:

Mailing Lists

These lists allow you to discuss issues with experienced Soar users. To join a list, sign up on the mailing list page, and then simply send an e-mail to the list.

  • soar-help is for users to ask questions. If you are experienced with Soar, please consider joining and participating in the discussions.
  • soar-cognitive-architecture is used for announcements and higher level discussions. We recommend that all people who are interested in Soar join the soar-cognitive-architecture mailing list to keep up to date with the latest developments in the Soar community.

Note: All mailing lists have a web archive of previous messages, so you can look for answers to previous questions.

GitHub Issues

You can report bugs and request features using Soar's Github repository's issue tracker. Note: If you have a question, please do not post an issue for it and use the soar-help mailing list instead.