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The Soar User Interface

This chapter describes the set of user interface commands for Soar. All commands and examples are presented as if they are being entered at the Soar command prompt.

This chapter is organized into 7 sections:

  1. Basic Commands for Running Soar
  2. Examining Memory
  3. Configuring Trace Information and Debugging
  4. Configuring Soar’s Run-Time Parameters
  5. File System I/O Commands
  6. Soar I/O commands
  7. Miscellaneous Commands

Each section begins with a summary description of the commands covered in that section, including the role of the command and its importance to the user. Command syntax and usage are then described fully, in alphabetical order.

The following pages were automatically generated from the git repository at

on the date listed on the title page of this manual. Please consult the repository directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

For a concise overview of the Soar interface functions, see the Function Summary and Index on page . This index is intended to be a quick reference into the commands described in this chapter.


The notation used to denote the syntax for each user-interface command follows some general conventions:

  • The command name itself is given in a bold font.
  • Optional command arguments are enclosed within square brackets, [ and ]
  • A vertical bar, |, separates alternatives.
  • Curly braces, {} , are used to group arguments when at least one argument from the set is required.
  • The commandline prompt that is printed by Soar, is normally the agent name, followed by ’’. In the examples in this manual, we use "".
  • Comments in the examples are preceded by a ’#’, and in-line comments are preceded by ’;#’.

For many commands, there is some flexibility in the order in which the arguments may be given. (See the online help for each command for more information.) We have not incorporated this flexible ordering into the syntax specified for each command because doing so complicates the specification of the command. When the order of arguments will affect the output produced by a command, the reader will be alerted.

Note that the command list was revamped and simplified in Soar 9.6.0. While we encourage people to learn the new syntax, aliases and some special mechanism have been added to maintain backwards compatibility with old Soar commands. As a result, many of the sub-commands of the newer commands may use different styles of arguments.

Basic Commands for Running Soar

This section describes the commands used to start, run and stop a Soar program; to invoke on-line help information; and to create and delete Soar productions. It also describes how to configure some general settings for Soar.

The specific commands described in this section are:

  • soar
    Commands and settings related to running Soar. Use soar ? for a summary of sub-commands listed below.

    • soar init
      Reinitialize Soar so a program can be rerun from scratch.

    • soar stop
      Interrupt a running Soar program.

    • soar max-chunks
      Limit the number of chunks created during a decision cycle.

    • soar max-dc-time
      Set a wall-clock time limit such that the agent will be interrupted when a single decision cycle exceeds this limit.

    • soar max-elaborations
      Limit the maximum number of elaboration cycles in a given phase.

    • soar max-goal-depth
      Limit the sub-state stack depth.

    • soar max-memory-usage
      Set the number of bytes that when exceeded by an agent, will trigger the memory usage exceeded event.

    • soar max-nil-output-cycles
      Limit the maximum number of decision cycles executed without producing output.

    • soar max-gp
      Set the upper-limit to the number of productions generated by the gp command.

    • soar stop-phase
      Controls the phase where agents stop when running by decision.

    • soar tcl
      Controls whether Soar Tcl mode is enabled.

    • soar timers
      Toggle on or off the internal timers used to profile Soar.

    • soar version
      Returns version number of Soar kernel.

    • soar waitsnc
      Generate a wait state rather than a state-no-change impasse.

  • run
    Begin Soar’s execution cycle.

  • exit
    Shut down the Soar environment. Terminates Soar and exits the kernel. stop exit

  • help
    Provide formatted, on-line information about Soar commands.

  • decide Commands and settings related to the selection of operators during the Soar decision process

    • decide indifferent-selection
      Controls indifferent preference arbitration.

    • decide numeric-indifferent-mode
      Select method for combining numeric preferences.

    • decide predict
      Predict the next selected operator

    • decide select
      Force the next selected operator

    • decide set-random-seed
      Seed the random number generator.

  • alias
    Define a new alias, or command, using existing commands and arguments.

These commands are all frequently used anytime Soar is run.

Procedural Memory Commands

This section describes the commands used to create and delete Soar productions, to see what productions will match and fire in the next Propose or Apply phase, to watch when specific productions fire and retract, and to configure options for selecting between mutually indifferent operators, along with various other methods for examining the contents and statistics of procedural memory.

The specific commands described in this section are:

  • sp
    Create a production and add it to production memory.

  • gp
    Define a pattern used to generate and source a set of Soar productions.

  • production
    Commands to manipulate Soar rules and analyze their usage

    • production break
      Set interrupt flag on specific productions.

    • production excise
      This command removes productions from Soar’s memory.

    • production find
      Find productions that contain a given pattern.

    • production firing-counts
      Print the number of times productions have fired.

    • production matches
      Print information about the match set and partial matches.

    • production memory-usage
      Print memory usage for production matches.

    • production optimize-attribute
      Declare an attribute as multi-attributes so as to increase Rete production matching efficiency.

    • production watch
      Trace firings and retractions of specific productions.

sp is of course used in virtually all Soar programming. Of the remaining commands, soar and production memory-usage are most often used. production find is especially useful when the number of productions loaded is high. production firing-counts is used to see if how many times certain rules fire. production watch is related to wm watch , but applies only to specific, named productions.

Short-term Memory Commands

This section describes the commands for interacting with working memory and preference memory, seeing what productions will match and fire in the next Propose or Apply phase, and examining the goal dependency set. These commands are particularly useful when running or debugging Soar, as they let users see what Soar is "thinking." Also included in this section is information about using Soar’s Spatial Visual System (SVS), which filters perceptual input into a form usable in symbolic working memory.

The specific commands described in this section are:

  • print
    Print items in working, semantic and production memory. Can also print the print the WMEs in the goal dependency set for each goal.

  • wm
    Commands and settings related to working memory and working memory activation.

    • wm activation
      Get/Set working memory activation parameters.

    • wm add
      Manually add an element to working memory.

    • wm remove
      Manually remove an element from working memory.

    • wm watch
      Print information about wmes that match a certain pattern as they are added and removed.

  • preferences
    Examine items in preference memory.

  • svs
    Perform spatial visual system commands.

Of these commands, print is the most often used (and the most complex). print –gds is useful for examining the goal dependency set when subgoals seem to be disappearing unexpectedly. preferences is used to examine which candidate operators have been proposed.


This section describes the commands for enabling and configuring Soar’s mechanisms of chunking and reinforcement learning. The specific commands described in this section are:

  • chunk
    Set the parameters for explanation-based chunking, Soar’s learning mechanism.

  • rl
    Get/Set RL parameters and statistics.

Long-term Declarative Memory

This section describes the commands for enabling and configuring Soar’s long-term semantic memory and episodic memory systems. The specific commands described in this section are:

  • smem
    Get/Set semantic memory parameters and statistics.

  • epmem
    Get/Set episodic memory parameters and statistics.

Other Debugging Commands

This section describes the commands used primarily for debugging or to configure the trace output printed by Soar as it runs. Many of these commands provide options that simplify or restrict runtime behavior to enable easier and more localized debugging. Users may specify the content of the runtime trace output, examine the backtracing information that supports generated justifications and chunks, or request details on Soar’s performance.

The specific commands described in this section are:

  • trace
    Control the information printed as Soar runs. (was watch)

  • output
    Controls sub-commands and settings related to Soar’s output.

    • output enabled
      Toggles printing at the lowest level.

    • output console
      Redirects printing to the the terminal. Most users will not change this.

    • output callbacks
      Toggles standard Soar agent callback-based printing.

    • output log
      Record all user-interface input and output to a file.

    • output command-to-file
      Dump the printed output and results of a command to a file.

    • output print-depth
      Set how many generations of an identifier’s children that Soar will print

    • output warnings
      Toggle whether or not warnings are printed.

    • output verbose
      Control detailed information printed as Soar runs.

    • output echo-commands
      Set whether or not commands are echoed to other connected debuggers.

  • explain
    Provides interactive exploration of why a rule was learned.

  • visualize
    Creates graph visualizations of Soar’s memory systems or processing.

  • stats
    Print information on Soar’s runtime statistics.

  • debug
    Contains commands that provide access to Soar’s internals. Most users will not need to access these commands

    • debug allocate
      Allocate additional 32 kilobyte blocks of memory for a specified memory pool without running Soar.

    • debug port
      Returns the port the kernel instance is listening on.

    • debug time
      Uses a default system clock timer to record the wall time required while executing a command.

    • debug internal-symbols
      Print information about the Soar symbol table.

Of these commands, trace is the most often used (and the most complex).
output print-depth is related to the print command. stats is useful *for understanding how much work Soar is doing.

File System I/O Commands

This section describes commands which interact in one way or another with operating system input and output, or file I/O. Users can save/retrieve information to/from files, redirect the information printed by Soar as it runs, and save and load the binary representation of productions. The specific commands described in this section are:

  • cd
    Change directory.

  • dirs
    List the directory stack.

  • load
    Loads soar files, rete networks, saved percept streams and external libraries.

    • load file
      Sources a file containing soar commands and productions. May also contain Tcl code if Tcl mode is enabled.

    • load library
      Loads an external library that extends functionality of Soar.

    • load rete-network
      Loads a rete network that represents rules loaded in production memory.

    • load library
      Loads soar files, rete networks, saved percept streams and external libraries.

  • ls
    List the contents of the current working directory.

  • popd
    Pop the current working directory off the stack and change to the next directory on the stack.

  • pushd
    Push a directory onto the directory stack, changing to it.

  • pwd
    Print the current working directory.

  • save
    Saves chunks, rete networks and percept streams.

    • save agent
      Saves the agent’s procedural and semantic memories and settings to a single file.

    • save chunks
      Saves chunks into a file.

    • save percepts
      Saves future input link structures into a file.

    • save rete-network
      Saves the current rete networks that represents rules loaded in production memory.

  • echo
    Prints a string to the current output device.

(See also the output command.)

The load file command, previously known as source, is used for nearly every Soar program. The directory functions are important to understand so that users can navigate directories/folders to load/save the files of interest. Saving and loading percept streams are used mainly when Soar needs to interact with an external environment. Soar applications that include a graphical interface or other simulation environment will often require the use of echo. Users might take advantage of these commands when debugging agents, but care should be used in adding and removing WMEs this way as they do not fall under Soar’s truth maintenance system.