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Spatial Visual System

The Spatial Visual System (SVS) allows Soar to effectively represent and reason about continuous, three dimensional environments. SVS maintains an internal representation of the environment as a collection of discrete objects with simple geometric shapes, called the scene graph. The Soar agent can query for spatial relationships between the objects in the scene graph through a working memory interface similar to that of episodic and semantic memory. Figure 8.1 illustrates the typical use case for SVS by contrasting it with an agent that does not utilize it. The agent that does not use SVS (a. in the figure) relies on the environment to provide a symbolic representation of the continuous state. On the other hand, the agent that uses SVS (b) accepts a continuous representation of the environment state directly, and then performs queries on the scene graph to extract a symbolic representation internally. This allows the agent to build more flexible symbolic representations without requiring modifications to the environment code. Furthermore, it allows the agent to manipulate internal copies of the scene graph and then extract spatial relationships from the modified states, which is useful for look-ahead search and action modeling. This type of imagery operation naturally captures and propagates the relationships implicit in spatial environments, and doesn’t suffer from the frame problem that relational representations have.

(a) Typical environment setup without using SVS. (b) Same environment using SVS.
(a) Typical environment setup without using SVS. (b) Same environment using SVS.

The scene graph

The primary data structure of SVS is the scene graph. The scene graph is a tree in which the nodes represent objects in the scene and the edges represent "part-of" relationships between objects. An example scene graph consisting of a car and a pole is shown in Figure 8.2. The scene graph’s leaves are geometry nodes and its interior nodes are group nodes. Geometry nodes represent atomic objects that have intrinsic shape, such as the wheels and chassis in the example. Currently, the shapes supported by SVS are points, lines, convex polyhedrons, and spheres. Group nodes represent objects that are the aggregates of their child nodes, such as the car object in the example. The shape of a group node is the union of the shapes of its children. Structuring complex objects in this way allows Soar to reason about them naturally at different levels of abstraction. The agent can query SVS for relationships between the car as a whole with other objects (e.g. does it intersect the pole?), or the relationships between its parts (e.g. are the wheels pointing left or right with respect to the chassis?). The scene graph always contains at least a root node: the world node.

Each node other than the world node has a transform with respect to its parent. A transform consists of three components:

  • position(x,y,z) Specifies the x, y, and z offsets of the node’s origin with respect to its parent’s origin.
  • rotation(x,y,z) Specifies the rotation of the node relative to its origin in Euler angles. This means that the node is rotated the specified number of radians along each axis in the order x-y-z. For more information, see
  • scaling(x,y,z) Specifies the factors by which the node is scaled along each axis.

The component transforms are applied in the order scaling, then rotation, then position. Each node’s transform is applied with respect to its parent’s coordinate system, so the transforms accumulate down the tree. A node’s transform with respect to the world node, or its world transform, is the aggregate of all its ancestor transforms. For example, if the car has a position transform of (1, 0 ,0) and a wheel on the car has a position transform of (0, 1 ,0), then the world position transform of the wheel is (1, 1 ,0).

SVS represents the scene graph structure in working memory under the^spatial-scene link. The working memory representation of the car and pole scene graph is

(a) A 3D scene. (b) The scene graph representation.
(a) A 3D scene. (b) The scene graph representation.
(S1 ^svs S3)
  (S3 ^command C3 ^spatial-scene S4)
    (S4 ^child C10 ^child C4 ^id world)
      (C10 ^id pole)
      (C4 ^child C9 ^child C8 ^child C7 ^child C6 ^child C5 ^id car)
        (C9 ^id chassis)
        (C8 ^id wheel3)
        (C7 ^id wheel2)
        (C6 ^id wheel1)
        (C5 ^id wheel0)

Each state in working memory has its own scene graph. When a new state is created, it will receive an independent copy of its parent’s scene graph. This is useful for performing look-ahead search, as it allows the agent to destructively modify the scene graph in a search state using mental imagery operations.


A viewer has been provided to show the scene graph visually. Run the program svs viewer -s PORTfrom the soar/out folder to launch the viewer listening on the given port. Once the viewer is running, from within soar use the command svs connect viewer PORTto connect to the viewer and begin drawing the scene graph. Any changes to the scene graph will be reflected in the viewer. The viewer by default draws the top state scene graph, to draw that on a substate first stop drawing the top state with svs S1.scene.draw off and then svs S7.scene.draw on.

Scene Graph Edit Language

The Scene Graph Edit Language (SGEL) is a simple, plain text, line oriented language that is used by SVS to modify the contents of the scene graph. Typically, the scene graph is used to represent the state of the external environment, and the programmer sends SGEL commands reflecting changes in the environment to SVS via the Agent::SendSVSInput function in the SML API. These commands are buffered by the agent and processed at the beginning of each input phase. Therefore, it is common to send scene changes through SendSVS Input before the input phase. If you send SGEL commands at the end of the input phase, the results won’t be processed until the following decision cycle.

Each SGEL command begins with a single word command type and ends with a newline. The four command types are

  • add ID PARENT_ID [GEOMETRY] [TRANSFORM] Add a node to the scene graph with the givenID, as a child ofPARENTID, and with typeTYPE(usually object).TheGEOMETRYandTRANSFORMarguments are optional and described below.

  • change ID [GEOMETRY] [TRANSFORM] Change the transform and/or geometry of the node with the givenID.

  • delete ID Delete the node with the givenID.

  • tag [add|change|delete] ID TAG_NAME TAG_VALUE Adds, changes, or deletes a tag from an object. A tag consists of a TAG_NAME and TAG_VALUE pair and is added to the node with the given ID. Both TAG_NAMEand TAG_VALUE must be strings. Tags can differentiate nodes (e.g. as a type field) and can be used in conjunction with the tag select filter to choose a subset of the nodes.

The TRANSFORM argument has the form[p X Y Z] [r X Y Z] [s X Y Z], corresponding to the position, rotation, and scaling components of the transform, respectively. All the components are optional; any combination of them can be excluded, and the included components can appear in any order.

The GEOMETRY argument has two forms:

  • b RADIUS Make the node a geometry node with sphere shape with radius RADIUS.

  • v X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 Z2 Make the node a geometry node with a convex polyhedron shape with the specified vertices. Any number of vertices can be listed.


Creating a sphere called ball4 with radius 5 at location (4, 4, 0). add ball4 world b 5 p 4 4 0

Creating a triangle in the xy plane, then rotate it vertically, double its size, and move it to (1, 1, 1).

add tri9 world v -1 -1 0 1 -1 0 0 0.5 0 p 1 1 1 r 1.507 0 0 s 2 2 2

Creating a snowman shape of 3 spheres stacked on each other and located at (2, 2, 0).

add snowman world p 2 2 0
add bottomball snowman b 3 p 0 0 3
add middleball snowman b 2 p 0 0 8
add topball snowman b 1 p 0 0 11

Set the rotation transform on box11 to 180 degrees around the z axis.

change box11 r 0 0 3.14159

Changing the color tag on box7 to green.

tag change box7 color green


The Soar agent initiates commands in SVS via the ^command link, similar to semantic and episodic memory. These commands allow the agent to modify the scene graph and extract filters. Commands are processed during the output phase and the results are added to working memory during the input phase. SVS supports the following commands:

  • add_node Creates a new node and adds it to the scene graph
  • copy_node Creates a copy of an existing node
  • delete_node Removes a node from the scene graph and deletes it
  • set_transform Changes the position, rotation, and/or scale of a node
  • set_tag Adds or changes a tag on a node
  • delete_tag Deletes a tag from a node
  • extract Compute the truth value of spatial relationships in the current scene graph.
  • extract_once Same as extract, except it is only computed once and doesn’t update when the scene changes.


This commands adds a new node to the scene graph.

  • ^id [string] The id of the node to create
  • ^parent [string] The id of the node to attach the new node to (default is world)
  • ^geometry << group point ball box >> The geometry the node should have
  • ^position.{ ^x ^y ^z } Position of the node (optional)
  • ^rotation.{ ^x ^y ^z } Rotation of the node (optional)
  • ^scale.{ ^x ^y ^z } Scale of the node (optional)

The following example creates a node called box 5 and adds it to the world. The node has a box shape of side length 0.1 and is placed at position (1, 1, 0).

(S1 ^svs S3)
  (S3 ^command C3 ^spatial-scene S4)
    (C3 ^add_node A1)
      (A1 ^id box5 ^parent world ^geometry box ^position P1 ^scale S6)
        (P1 ^x 1.0 ^y 1.0 ^z 0.0)
        (S6 ^x 0.1 ^y 0.1 ^z 0.1)


This command creates a copy of an existing node and adds it to the scene graph. This copy is not recursive, it only copies the node itself, not its children. The position, rotation, and scale transforms are also copied from the source node but they can be changed if desired.

  • ^id [string] The id of the node to create
  • ^source [string] The id of the node to copy
  • ^parent [string] The id of the node to attach the new node to (default is world)
  • ^position.{^x ^y ^z} Position of the node (optional)
  • ^rotation.{^x ^y ^z} Rotation of the node (optional)
  • ^scale.{^x ^y ^z} Scale of the node (optional)

The following example copies a node called box5 as new node box6 and moves it to position (2, 0, 2).

(S1 ^svs S3)
  (S3 ^command C3 ^spatial-scene S4)
    (C3 ^copy_node A1)
      (A1 ^id box6 ^source box5 ^position P1)
        (P1 ^x 2.0 ^y 0.0 ^z 2.0)


This command deletes a node from the scene graph. Any children will also be deleted.

  • `^id [string] The id of the node to delete

The following example deletes a node called

(S1 ^svs S3)
  (S3 ^command C3 ^spatial-scene S4)
    (C3 ^delete_node D1)
      (D1 ^id box5)


This command allows you to change the position, rotation, and/ or scale of an existing node. You can specify any combination of the three transforms.

  • ^id [string] The id of the node to change
  • ^postion Position of the node (optional)
  • ^position.{^x ^y ^z} Rotation of the node (optional)
  • ^scale{^x ^y ^z} Scale of the node (optional)

The following example moves and rotates a node called box5.

(S1 ^svs S3)
  (S3 ^command C3 ^spatial-scene S4)
    (C3 ^set_transform S6)
      (S6 ^id box5 ^position P1 ^rotation R1)
        (P1 ^x 2.0 ^y 2.0 ^z 0.0)
        (R1 ^x 0.0 ^y 0.0 ^z 1.57)


This command allows you to add or change a tag on a node. If a tag with the same id already exists, the existing value will be replaced with the new value.

  • ^id [string] The id of the node to set the tag on
  • ^tag_name [string] The name of the tag to add
  • ^tag_value [string] The value of the tag to add

The following example adds a shape tag to the node box5.

(S1 ^svs S3)
  (S3 ^command C3 ^spatial-scene S4)
    (C3 ^set_tag S6)
      (S6 ^id box5 ^tag_name shape ^tag_value cube)


This command allows you to delete a tag from a node.

  • ^id [string] The id of the node to set the tag on
  • ^tag_name [string] The name of the tag to add
  • ^tag_value [string] The value of the tag to add

The following example deletes the shape tag from the node .

(S1 ^svs S3)
  (S3 ^command C3 ^spatial-scene S4)
    (C3 ^delete_tag D1)
      (D1 ^name box5 ^tag_name shape)

extract and extract_once

This command is commonly used to compute spatial relationships in the scene graph. More generally, it puts the result of a filter pipeline (described in section svs-filters in working memory. Its syntax is the same as filter pipeline syntax. During the input phase, SVS will evaluate the filter and put a ^result attribute on the command’s identifier. Under the ^result attribute is a multi-valued ^record attribute. Each record corresponds to an output value from the head of the filter pipeline, along with the parameters that produced the value. With the regular extract command, these records will be updated as the scene graph changes. With the extract_once command, the records will be created once and will not change. Note that you should not change the structure of a filter once it is created (SVS only processes a command once). Instead to extract something different you must create a new command. The following is an example of an extract command which tests whether the car and pole objects are intersecting. The ^status and ^result WMEs are added by SVS when the command is finished.

(S1 ^svs S3)
  (S3 ^command C3 ^spatial-scene S4)
    (C3 ^extract E2)
      (E2 ^a A1 ^b B1 ^result R7 ^status success ^type intersect)
        (A1 ^id car ^status success ^type node)
        (B1 ^id pole ^status success ^type node)
        (R7 ^record R17)
          (R17 ^params P1 ^value false)
            (P1 ^a car ^b pole)


Filters are the basic unit of computation in SVS. They transform the continuous information in the scene graph into symbolic information that can be used by the rest of Soar. Each filter accepts a number of labeled parameters as input, and produces a single output. Filters can be arranged into pipelines in which the outputs of some filters are fed into the inputs of other filters. The Soar agent creates filter pipelines by building an analogous structure in working memory as an argument to an "extract" command. For example, the following structure defines a set of filters that reports whether the car intersects the pole:

(S1 ^svs S3)
  (S3 ^command C3 ^spatial-scene S4)
    (C3 ^extract E2)
      (E2 ^a A1 ^b B1 ^type intersect)
        (A1 ^id car ^type node)
        (B1 ^id pole ^type node)

The ^type attribute specifies the type of filter to instantiate, and the other attributes specify parameters. This command will create three filters: an intersect filter and two node filters. A node filter takes an id parameter and returns the scene graph node with that ID as its result. Here, the outputs of the car and pole node filters are fed into the ^a and ^b parameters of the filter. SVS will update each filter’s output once every decision cycle, at the end of the input phase. The output of the intersect filter is a boolean value indicating whether the two objects are intersecting. This is placed into working memory as the result of the extract command:

(S1 ^svs S3)
  (S3 ^command C3 ^spatial-scene S4)
    (C3 ^extract E2)
      (E2 ^a A1 ^b B1 ^result R7 ^status success ^type intersect)
        (A1 ^id car ^status success ^type node)
        (B1 ^id pole ^status success ^type node)
        (R7 ^record R17)
          (R17 ^params P1 ^value false)
            (P1 ^a car ^b pole)

Notice that a ^status success is placed on each identifier corresponding to a filter. A result WME is placed on the extract command with a single record with value false.

Result lists

Spatial queries often involve a large number of objects. For example, the agent may want to compute whether an object intersects any others in the scene graph. It would be inconvenient to build the extract command to process this query if the agent had to specify each object involved explicitly. Too many WMEs would be required, which would slow down the production matcher as well as SVS because it must spend more time interpreting the command structure. To handle these cases, all filter parameters and results can be lists of values. For example, the query for whether one object intersects all others can be expressed as

(S1 ^svs S3)
  (S3 ^command C3)
    (C3 ^extract E2)
      (E2 ^a A1 ^b B1 ^result R7 ^status success ^type intersect)
        (A1 ^id car ^status success ^type node)
        (B1 ^status success ^type all_nodes)
        (R7 ^record R9 ^record R8)
          (R9 ^params P2 ^value false)
            (P2 ^a car ^b pole)
          (R8 ^params P1 ^value true)
            (P1 ^a car ^b car)

The all_nodes filter outputs a list of all nodes in the scene graph, and the intersect filter outputs a list of boolean values indicating whether the car intersects each node, represented by the multi-valued attribute record. Notice that each record contains both the result of the query as well as the parameters that produced that result. Not only is this approach more convenient than creating a separate command for each pair of nodes, but it also allows the intersect filter to answer the query more efficiently using special algorithms that can quickly rule out non-intersecting objects.

Filter List

The following is a list of all filters that are included in SVS. You can also get this list by using the cli command svs filters and get information about a specific filter using the command svs filters.FILTER_NAME. Many filters have a _select version. The select version returns a subset of the input nodes which pass a test. For example, the intersect filter returns boolean values for each input (a, b) pair, while the intersect_select filter returns the nodes in set b which intersect the input node a. This is useful for passing the results of one filter into another (e.g. take the nodes that intersect node a and find the largest of them).

  • Node: Given an ^id, outputs the node with that id.
  • all_nodes: Outputs all the nodes in the scene
  • combine_nodes: Given multiple node inputs as ^a, concatenates them into a single output set.
  • remove_nodes: Removes node ^a from the input set and outputs the rest.
  • node_position: Outputs the position of each node in input ^a.
  • node_rotation: Outputs the rotation of each node in input ^a.
  • node_scale: Outputs the scale of each node in input ^a.
  • node_bbox: Outputs the bounding box of each node in input ^a.
  • distance and distance_select: Outputs the distance between input nodes ^a and ^b Distance can be specified by ^distance_type << centroid hull >>, where is the euclidean distance between the centers, and the hull is the minimum distance between the node surfaces. distance_select chooses nodes in set b in which the distance to node a falls within the range ^minand ^max.
  • closest and farthest Outputs the node in set ^b closest to or farthest from ^a (also uses distance_type).
  • axis_distance and axis_distance_select Outputs the distance from input node ^a to ^b along a particular axis (^axis << x y z >>). This distance is based on bounding boxes. A value of 0 indicates the nodes overlap on the given axis, otherwise the result is a signed value indicating whether node b is greater or less than node a on the given axis. The axis_distance_select filter also uses ^min and ^max to select nodes in set b.
  • volume and volume_select Outputs the bounding box volume of each node in set ^a. For volume_select, it outputs a subset of the nodes whose volumes fall within the range ^min and ^max.
  • largest and smallest Outputs the node in set ^a} with the largest or smallest volume.
  • larger and larger_select Outputs whether input node ^a is larger than each input node ^b, or selects all nodes in b for which a is larger.
  • smaller and smaller_select Outputs whether input node ^a is smaller than each input node ^b, or selects all nodes in b for which a is smaller.
  • contain and contain_select Outputs whether the bounding box of each input node ^a contains the bounding box of each input node ^b, or selects those nodes in b which are contained by node a.
  • intersect and intersect_select Outputs whether each input node ^a intersects each input node ^b, or selects those nodes in b which intersect node a. Intersection is specified by ^intersect_type << hull box >>; either the convex hull of the node or the axis-aligned bounding box.
  • tag_select Outputs all the nodes in input set ^a which have the tag specified by ^tag_name and ^tag_value.


Select all the objects with a volume between 1 and 2.

(S1 ^svs S3)
  (S3 ^command C3)
    (C3 ^extract E1)
      (E1 ^type volume_select ^a A1 ^min 1 ^max 2)
        (A1 ^type all_nodes)

Find the distance between the centroid of ball3 and all other objects.

(S1 ^svs S3)
(S3 ^command C3)
    (C3 ^extract E1)
      (E1 ^type distance ^a A1 ^b B1 ^distance_type centroid)
        (A1 ^type node ^id ball3)
        (B1 ^type all_nodes)

Test where ball2 intersects any red objects.

(S1 ^svs S3)
  (S3 ^command C3)
    (C3 ^extract E1)
      (E1 ^type intersect ^a A1 ^b B1 ^intersect_type hull)
        (A1 ^type node ^id ball2)
        (B1 ^type tag_select ^a A2 ^tag_name color ^tag_value red)
          (A2 ^type all_nodes)

Find all the objects on the table. This is done by selecting nodes where the distance between them and the table along the z axis is a small positive number.

(S1 ^svs S3)
  (S3 ^command C3)
    (C3 ^extract E1)
      (E1 ^type axis_distance_select ^a A1 ^b B1 ^axis z ^min .0001 ^max .1)
        (A1 ^type node ^id table)
        (B1 ^type all_nodes)

Find the smallest object that intersects the table (excluding itself).

(S1 ^svs S3)
  (S3 ^command C3)
    (C3 ^extract E1)
      (E1 ^type smallest ^a A1)
        (A1 ^type intersect_select ^a A2 ^b B2 ^intersect_type hull)
          (A2 ^type node ^id table)
          (B1 ^type remove_node ^id table ^a A3)
            (A3 ^type all_nodes)

Writing new filters

SVS contains a small set of generally useful filters, but many users will need additional specialized filters for their application. Writing new filters for SVS is conceptually simple.

  1. Write a C++ class that inherits from the appropriate filter subclass.
  2. Register the new class in a global table of all filters ().
  3. Recompile the kernel.

Filter subclasses

The fact that filter inputs and outputs are lists rather than single values introduces some complexity to how filters are implemented. Depending on the functionality of the filter, the multiple inputs into multiple parameters must be combined in different ways, and sets of inputs will map in different ways onto the output values. Furthermore, the outputs of filters are cached so that the filter does not repeat computations on sets of inputs that do not change. To shield the user from this complexity, a set of generally useful filter paradigms were implemented as subclasses of the basic filter class. When writing custom filters, try to inherit from one of these classes instead of from filter directly.

Map filter

This is the most straightforward and useful class of filters. A filter of this class takes the Cartesian product of all input values in all parameters, and performs the same computation on each combination, generating one output. In other words, this class implements a one-to-one mapping from input combinations to output values.

To write a new filter of this class, inherit from the map_filter class, and define the compute function. Below is an example template:

class new_map_filter : public map_filter<double> // templated with output type
    new_map_filter(Symbol *root, soar_interface *si, filter_input *input, scene *scn)
    : map_filter<double>(root, si, input)   // call superclass constructor

    /* Compute
        Do the proper computation based on the input filter_params
        and set the out parameter to the result
        Return true if successful, false if an error occured */
    bool compute(const filter_params* p, double& out){
      sgnode* a;
      if(!get_filter_param(this, p, "a", a)){
        set_status("Need input node a");
        return false;
      out = // Your computation here

Select filter

This is very similar to a map filter, except for each input combination from the Cartesian product the output is optional. This is useful for selecting and returning a subset of the outputs.

To write a new filter of this class, inherit from the select_filter class, and define the compute function. Below is an example template:

class new_select_filter : public select_filter<double> // templated with output type
    new_select_filter(Symbol *root, soar_interface *si, filter_input *input, scene *scn)
    : select_filter<double>(root, si, input)   // call superclass constructor

    /* Compute
        Do the proper computation based on the input filter_params
        and set the out parameter to the result (if desired)
        Also set the select bit to true if you want to the result to be output.
        Return true if successful, false if an error occurred */
    bool compute(const filter_params* p, double& out, bool& select){
      sgnode* a;
      if(!get_filter_param(this, p, "a", a)){
        set_status("Need input node a");
        return false;
      out = // Your computation here
      select = // test for when to output the result of the computation

Rank filter

A filter where a ranking is computed for each combination from the Cartesian product of the input and only the combination which results in the highest (or lowest) value is output. The default behavior is to select the highest, to select the lowest you can call set_select_highest(false) on the filter.

To write a new filter of this class, inherit from the rank_filter class, and define the rank function. Below is an example template:

class new_rank_filter : public rank_filter
    new_rank_filter(Symbol *root, soar_interface *si, filter_input *input, scene *scn)
    : rank_filter(root, si, input)   // call superclass constructor

    /* Compute
        Do the proper computation based on the input filter_params
        And set r to the ranking result.
        Return true if successful, false if an error occured */
    bool compute(const filter_params* p, double& r){
      sgnode* a;
      if(!get_filter_param(this, p, "a", a)){
        set_status("Need input node a");
        return false;
      r = // Ranking computation

Generic Node Filters

There are also a set of generic filters specialized for computations involving nodes. With these you only need to specify a predicate function involving nodes. (Also see filters/base_node_filters.h ).

There are three types of these filters:

Node Test Filters

These filters involve a binary test between two nodes (e.g. intersection or larger). You must specify a test function of the following form:

bool node_test(sgnode* a, sgnode* b, const filter_params* p)

For an example of how the following base filters are used, see filters/intersect.cpp.

  • node_test_filter
    For each input pair (a, b) this outputs the boolean result of .
  • node_test_select_filter
    For each input pair (a, b) this outputs node b if .
    (Can choose to select b if the test is false by calling ).

Node Comparison Filters

These filters involve a numerical comparison between two nodes (e.g. distance). You must specify a comparison function of the following form:

double node_comparison(sgnode* a, sgnode* b, const filter_params* p)

For an example of how the following base filters are used, see filters/distance.cpp.

  • node_comparison_filter
    For each input pair (a, b), outputs the numerical result of node_comparison(a, b).
  • node_comparison_select_filter
    For each input pair (a, b), outputs node b if min <= node_comparison(a, b) <= max. Min and max can be set through calling set_min(double) and set_max(double), or as specified by the user through the filter_params.
  • node_comparison_rank_filter
    This outputs the input pair (a, b) for which node_comparison(a, b) produces the highest value. To instead have the lowest value output call set_select_highest(true).

Node Evaluation Filters

These filters involve a numerical evaluation of a single node (e.g. volume). You must specify an evaluation function of the following form:

double node_evaluation(sgnode* a, const filter_params* p)

For an example of how the following base filters are used, see filters/volume.cpp.

  • node_evaluation_filter
    For each input node a, this outputs the numerical result of .
  • node_evaluation_select_filter
    or each input node a, this outputs the node if . Min and max can be set through calling and , or as specified by the user through the filter_params.
  • node_evaluation_rank_filter
    This outputs the input node a for which produces the highest value. To instead have the lowest value output call .

Command line interface

The user can query and modify the runtime behavior of SVS using the svs command. The syntax of this command differs from other Soar commands due to the complexity and object-oriented nature of the SVS implementation. The basic idea is to allow the user to access each object in the SVS implementation (not to be confused with objects in the scene graph) at runtime. Therefore, the command has the form svs PATH [ARGUMENTS], where PATH uniquely identifies an object or the method of an object. ARGUMENTS is a space separated list of strings that each object or function interprets in its own way. For example, svs identifies the car object in the scene graph of the top state. As another example, svs connect_viewer 5999 calls the method to connect to the SVS visualizer with 5999 being the TCP port to connect on. Every path has two special arguments.

  • svs PATH dir prints all the children of the object at PATH.
  • svs PATH help prints text about how to use the object, if available.

See SVS for more details.