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The Soar Architecture

This chapter describes the Soar architecture. It covers all aspects of Soar except for the specific syntax of Soar’s memories and descriptions of the Soar user-interface commands.

This chapter gives an abstract description of Soar. It starts by giving an overview of Soar and then goes into more detail for each of Soar’s main memories (working memory, production memory, and preference memory) and processes (the decision procedure, learning, and input and output).

An Overview of Soar

The design of Soar is based on the hypothesis that all deliberate goal-oriented behavior can be cast as the selection and application of operators to a state. A state is a representation of the current problem-solving situation; an operator transforms a state (makes changes to the representation); and a goal is a desired outcome of the problem-solving activity.

As Soar runs, it is continually trying to apply the current operator and select the next operator (a state can have only one operator at a time), until the goal has been achieved. The selection and application of operators is illustrated in Figure 2.1.

Soar is continually trying to select and apply operators.
Soar is continually trying to select and apply operators.

Soar has separate memories (and different representations) for descriptions of its current situation and its long-term procedural knowledge. In Soar, the current situation, including data from sensors, results of intermediate inferences, active goals, and active operators is held in working memory. Working memory is organized as objects. Objects are described in terms of their attributes; the values of the attributes may correspond to sub-objects, so the description of the state can have a hierarchical organization. (This need not be a strict hierarchy; for example, there’s nothing to prevent two objects from being "substructure" of each other.)

Long-term procedural knowledge is held in production memory. Procedural knowledge specifies how to respond to different situations in working memory, can be thought of as the program for Soar. The Soar architecture cannot solve any problems without the addition of long-term procedural knowledge. (Note the distinction between the "Soar architecture" and the "Soar program": The former refers to the system described in this manual, common to all users, and the latter refers to knowledge added to the architecture.)

A Soar program contains the knowledge to be used for solving a specific task (or set of tasks), including information about how to select and apply operators to transform the states of the problem, and a means of recognizing that the goal has been achieved.

Types of Procedural Knowledge in Soar

Soar’s procedural knowledge can be categorized into four distinct types of knowledge:

  1. Inference Rules
    In Soar, we call these state elaborations. This knowledge provides monotonic inferences that can be made about the state in a given situation. The knowledge created by such rules are not persistent and exist only as long as the conditions of the rules are met.
  2. Operator Proposal Knowledge
    Knowledge about when a particular operator is appropriate for a situation. Note that multiple operators may be appropriate in a given context. So, Soar also needs knowledge to determine which of the candidates to choose:
  3. Operator Selection Knowledge
    Knowledge about the desirability of an operator in a particular situation. Such knowledge can be either in terms of a single operator (e.g. never choose this operator in this situation) or relational (e.g. prefer this operator over another in this situation).
  4. Operator Application Rules
    Knowledge of how a specific selected operator modifies the state. This knowledge creates persistent changes to the state that remain even after the rule no longer matches or the operator is no longer selected.

Note that state elaborations can indirectly affect operator selection and application by creating knowledge that the proposal and application rules match on.

Problem-Solving Functions in Soar

These problem-solving functions are the primitives for generating behavior that is relevant to the current situation: elaborating the state, proposing candidate operators, comparing the candidates, and applying the operator by modifying the state. These functions are driven by the knowledge encoded in a Soar program.

Soar represents that knowledge as production rules. Production rules are similar to "if- then" statements in conventional programming languages. (For example, a production might say something like "if there are two blocks on the table, then suggest an operator to move one block on top of the other block"). The "if" part of the production is called its conditions and the "then" part of the production is called its actions. When the conditions are met in the current situation as defined by working memory, the production is matched and it will fire, which means that its actions are executed, making changes to working memory.

Selecting the current operator, involves making a decision once sufficient knowledge has been retrieved. This is performed by Soar’s decision procedure, which is a fixed procedure that interprets preferences that have been created by the knowledge retrieval functions. The knowledge-retrieval and decision-making functions combine to form Soar’s decision cycle.

When the knowledge to perform the problem-solving functions is not directly available in productions, Soar is unable to make progress and reaches an impasse. There are three types of possible impasses in Soar:

  1. An operator cannot be selected because no new operators are proposed.
  2. An operator cannot be selected because multiple operators are proposed and the comparisons are insufficient to determine which one should be selected.
  3. An operator has been selected, but there is insufficient knowledge to apply it.

In response to an impasse, the Soar architecture creates a substate in which operators can be selected and applied to generate or deliberately retrieve the knowledge that was not directly available; the goal in the substate is to resolve the impasse. For example, in a substate, a Soar program may do a lookahead search to compare candidate operators if comparison knowledge is not directly available. Impasses and substates are described in more detail in Impasses and Substates.

An Example Task: The Blocks-World

We will use a task called the blocks-world as an example throughout this manual. In the blocks-world task, the initial state has three blocks named A, B, and C on a table; the operators move one block at a time to another location (on top of another block or onto the table); and the goal is to build a tower withAon top,Bin the middle, andCon the bottom. The initial state and the goal are illustrated in Figure 2.2.

The Soar code for this task is available online at or in the here. You do not need to look at the code at this point.

The initial state and goal of the
The initial state and goal of the "blocks-world" task.

The operators in this task move a single block from its current location to a new location; each operator is represented with the following information:

  • the name of the block being moved
  • the current location of the block (the "thing" it is on top of)
  • the destination of the block (the "thing" it will be on top of)

The goal in this task is to stack the blocks so that C is on the table, with block B on top of block C, and block A on top of block B.

Representation of States, Operators, and Goals

The initial state in our blocks-world task - before any operators have been proposed or selected - is illustrated in Figure 2.3.

A state can have only one selected operator at a time but it may also have a number of potential operators that are in consideration. These proposed operators should not be confused with the active, selected operator.

Figure 2.4 illustrates working memory after the first operator has been selected. There are six operators proposed, and only one of these is actually selected.

Goals are either represented explicitly as substructures of the working memory state with general rules that recognize when the goal is achieved, or are implicitly represented in the Soar program by goal-specific rules that test the state for specific features and recognize when the goal is achieved. The point is that sometimes a description of the goal will be available in the state for focusing the problem solving, whereas other times it may not. Although representing a goal explicitly has many advantages, some goals are difficult to explicitly represent on the state.

For example, the goal in our blocks-world task is represented implicitly in the provided Soar program. This is because a single production rule monitors the state for completion of the goal and halts Soar when the goal is achieved. (Syntax of Soar programs will be explained in Chapter 3.) If the goal was an explicit working memory structure, a rule could compare the configuration of blocks to that structure instead of having the goal embedded within the rule’s programming.

An abstract illustration of the initial state of the blocks world as working memory objects. At this stage of problem solving, no operators have been proposed or selected.
An abstract illustration of the initial state of the blocks world as working memory objects. At this stage of problem solving, no operators have been proposed or selected.
An abstract illustration of working memory in the blocks world after the first operator has been selected.
An abstract illustration of working memory in the blocks world after the first operator has been selected.

Proposing candidate operators

As a first step in selecting an operator, one or more candidate operators are proposed. Operators are proposed by rules that test features of the current state. When the blocks- world task is run, the Soar program will propose six distinct (but similar) operators for the initial state as illustrated in Figure 2.5. These operators correspond to the six different actions that are possible given the initial state.

Comparing candidate operators: Preferences

The second step Soar takes in selecting an operator is to evaluate or compare the candidate operators. In Soar, this is done via rules that test the proposed operators and the current state, and then create preferences(stored in preference memory). Preferences assert the relative or absolute merits of the candidate operators. For example, a preference may say that operator A is a "better" choice than operator B at this particular time, or a preference may say that operator A is the "best" thing to do at this particular time. Preferences are discussed in detail in how preferences are evaluated to decide an operator.

The six operators proposed for the initial state of the blocks world each move one block to a new location.
The six operators proposed for the initial state of the blocks world each move one block to a new location.

Selecting a single operator: Decision

Soar attempts to select a single operator as a decision, based on the preferences available for the candidate operators. There are four different situations that may arise:

  1. The available preferences unambiguously prefer a single operator.
  2. The available preferences suggest multiple operators, and prefer a subset that can be selected from randomly.
  3. The available preferences suggest multiple operators,but neither case 1 or 2 above hold.
  4. The available preferences do not suggest any operators.

In the first case, the preferred operator is selected. In the second case, one of the subset is selected randomly. In the third and fourth cases, Soar has reached an impasse in problem solving, and a new substate is created. Impasses are discussed in Impasses and Substates.

In our blocks-world example, the second case holds, and Soar can select one of the operators randomly

Applying the operator

An operator applies by making changes to the state; the specific changes that are appropriate depend on the operator and the current state.

There are two primary approaches to modifying the state: indirect and direct. Indirect changes are used in Soar programs that interact with an external environment: The Soar program sends motor commands to the external environment and monitors the external environment for changes. The changes are reflected in an updated state description, garnered from sensors. Soar may also make direct changes to the state; these correspond to Soar doing problem solving "in its head". Soar programs that do not interact with an external environment can make only direct changes to the state.

Internal and external problem solving should not be viewed as mutually exclusive activities in Soar. Soar programs that interact with an external environment will generally have operators that make direct and indirect changes to the state: The motor command is represented as substructure of the state and it is a command to the environment. Also, a Soar program may maintain an internal model of how it expects an external operator will modify the world; if so, the operator must update the internal model (which is substructure of the state).

When Soar is doing internal problem solving, it must know how to modify the state descriptions appropriately when an operator is being applied. If it is solving the problem in an external environment, it must know what possible motor commands it can issue in order to affect its environment.

The example blocks-world task described here does not interact with an external environment. Therefore, the Soar program directly makes changes to the state when operators are applied. There are four changes that may need to be made when a block is moved in our task:

  1. The block that is being moved is no longer where it was (it is no longer "on top" of the same thing).
  2. The block that is being moved is in a new location (it is "on top" of a new thing).
  3. The place that the block used to be in is now clear.
  4. The place that the block is moving to is no longer clear — unless it is the table, which is always considered "clear".1

The blocks-world task could also be implemented using an external simulator. In this case, the Soar program does not update all the "on top" and "clear" relations; the updated state description comes from the simulator.

Making inferences about the state

Making monotonic inferences about the state is the other role that Soar long-term procedural knowledge may fulfill. Such elaboration knowledge can simplify the encoding of operators because entailments of a set of core features of a state do not have to be explicitly included in application of the operator. In Soar, these inferences will be automatically retracted when the situation changes such that the inference no longer holds.

For instance, our example blocks-world task uses an elaboration to keep track of whether or not a block is "clear". The elaboration tests for the absence of a block that is "on top" of a particular block; if there is no such "on top", the block is "clear". When an operator application creates a new "on top", the corresponding elaboration retracts, and the block is no longer "clear".

Problem Spaces

If we were to construct a Soar system that worked on a large number of different types of problems, we would need to include large numbers of operators in our Soar program. For a specific problem and a particular stage in problem solving, only a subset of all possible operators are actually relevant. For example, if our goal is to count the blocks on the table, operators having to do with moving blocks are probably not important, although they may still be "legal". The operators that are relevant to current problem-solving activity define the space of possible states that might be considered in solving a problem, that is, they define the problem space.

Soar programs are implicitly organized in terms of problem spaces because the conditions for proposing operators will restrict an operator to be considered only when it is relevant. The complete problem space for the blocks world is shown in Figure 2.6. Typically, when

The problem space in the blocks-world includes all operators that move blocks from one location to another and all possible configurations of the three blocks.
The problem space in the blocks-world includes all operators that move blocks from one location to another and all possible configurations of the three blocks.

Soar solves a problem in this problem space, it does not explicitly generate all of the states, examine them, and then create a path. Instead, Soar isin a specific state at a given time (represented in working memory), attempting to select an operator that will move it to a new state. It uses whatever knowledge it has about selecting operators given the current situation, and if its knowledge is sufficient, it will move toward its goal.

The same problem could be recast in Soar as a planning problem, where the goal is to develop a plan to solve the problem, instead of just solving the problem. In that case, a state in Soar would consist of a plan, which in turn would have representations of blocks-world states and operators from the original space. The operators would perform editing operations on the plan, such as adding new blocks-world operators, simulating those operators, etc. In both formulations of the problem, Soar is still applying operators to generate new states, it is just that the states and operators have different content.

The remaining sections in this chapter describe the memories and processes of Soar: work- ing memory, production memory, preference memory, Soar’s execution cycle (the decision procedure), learning, and how input and output fit in.

Working memory: The Current Situation

Soar represents the current problem-solving situation in its working memory. Thus, working memory holds the current state and operator and is Soar’s "short-term" knowledge, reflecting the current knowledge of the world and the status in problem solving.

Working memory contains elements called working memory elements, or WMEs for short. Each WME contains a very specific piece of information; for example, a WME might say that "B1 is a block". Several WMEs collectively may provide more information about the same object, for example, "B1 is a block", "B1 is named A", "B1 is on the table", etc. These WMEs are related because they are all contributing to the description of something that is internally known to Soar as "B1". B1 is called an identifier; the group of WMEs that share this identifier are referred to as an object in working memory. Each WME describes a different attribute of the object, for example, its name or type or location; each attribute has a value associated with it, for example, the name is A, the type is block, and the position is on the table. Therefore, each WME is an identifier-attribute-value triple, and all WMEs with the same identifier are part of the same object.

Objects in working memory are linked to other objects: The value of one WME may be an identifier of another object. For example, a WME might say that "B1 is on top of T1", and another collection of WMEs might describe the object T1: "T1 is a table", "T1 is brown", and "T1 is on top of F1". And still another collection of WMEs might describe the object F1: "F1 is a floor", etc. All objects in working memory must be linked to a state, either directly or indirectly (through other objects). Objects that are not linked to a state will be automatically removed from working memory by the Soar architecture.

WMEs are also often called augmentations because they "augment" the object, providing more detail about it. While these two terms are somewhat redundant, WME is a term that is used more often to refer to the contents of working memory (as a single identifier-attribute-value triple), while augmentation is a term that is used more often to refer to the description of an object. Working memory is illustrated at an abstract level in Figure 2.3.

The attribute of an augmentation is usually a constant, such as name or type, because in a sense, the attribute is just a label used to distinguish one link in working memory from another.2

The value of an augmentation may be either a constant, such as red, or an identifier, such as 06. When the value is an identifier, it refers to an object in working memory that may have additional substructure. In semantic net terms, if a value is a constant, then it is a terminal node with no links; if it is an identifier it is a non terminal node.

One key concept of Soar is that working memory is a set, which means that there can never be two elements in working memory at the same time that have the same identifier-attribute- value triple (this is prevented by the architecture). However, it is possible to have multiple working memory elements that have the same identifier and attribute, but that each have different values. When this happens, we say the attribute is a multi-valued attribute, which is often shortened to be multi-attribute.

An object is defined by its augmentations and not by its identifier. An identifier is simply a label or pointer to the object. On subsequent runs of the same Soar program, there may be an object with exactly the same augmentations, but a different identifier, and the program will still reason about the object appropriately. Identifiers are internal markers for Soar; they can appear in working memory, but they never appear in a production.

There is no predefined relationship between objects in working memory and "real objects" in the outside world. Objects in working memory may refer to real objects, such as block A; features of an object, such as the color red or shape cube; a relation between objects, such as on top; classes of objects, such as blocks; etc. The actual names of attributes and values have no meaning to the Soar architecture (aside from a few WMEs created by the architecture itself). For example, Soar doesn’t care whether the things in the blocks world are called "blocks" or "cubes" or "chandeliers". It is up to the Soar programmer to pick suitable labels and to use them consistently.

The elements in working memory arise from one of four sources:

  1. Productions: The actions on the RHS of productions create most working memory elements.
  2. Architecture:
    • (a) State augmentations: The decision procedure automatically creates some special state augmentations (type, superstate, impasse, ...) whenever a state is created. States are created during initialization (the first state) or because of an impasse (a substate).
    • (b) Operator augmentations: The decision procedure creates the operator augmentation of the state based on preferences. This records the selection of the current operator.
  3. Memory Systems
  4. SVS
  5. The Environment: External I/O systems create working memory elements on the input-link for sensory data.

The elements in working memory are removed in six different ways:

  1. The decision procedure automatically removes all state augmentations it creates when the impasse that led to their creation is resolved.
  2. The decision procedure removes the operator augmentation of the state when that operator is no longer selected as the current operator.
  3. Production actions that user reject preferences remove working memory elements that were created by other productions.
  4. The architecture automatically removes i-supported WMEs when the productions that created them no longer match.
  5. The I/O system removes sensory data from the input-link when it is no longer valid.
  6. The architecture automatically removes WMEs that are no longer linked to a state (because some other WME has been removed).

For the most part, the user is free to use any attributes and values that are appropriate for the task. However, states have special augmentations that cannot be directly created, removed, or modified by rules. These include the augmentations created when a state is created, and the state’s operator augmentation that signifies the current operator (and is created based on preferences). The specific attributes that the Soar architecture automatically creates are listed in Impasses in Working Memory and in Production. Productions may create any other attributes for states.

Preferences are held in a separate preference memory where they cannot be tested by productions. There is one notable exception. Since a soar program may need to reason about candidate operators,acceptable preferences are made available in working memory as well. The acceptable preferences can then be tested by productions, which allows a Soar program to reason about candidates operators to determine which one should be selected. Preference memory and the different types of preferences will be discussed in Section Preference Memory: Selection Knowledge.

Production Memory: Long-term Procedural Knowledge

Soar represents long-term procedural knowledge as productions that are stored in production memory, illustrated in Figure 2.7. Each production has a set of conditions and a set of actions. If the conditions of a production match working memory, the production fires, and the actions are performed.

An abstract view of production memory. The productions are not related to one another.
An abstract view of production memory. The productions are not related to one another.

The structure of a production

In the simplest form of a production, conditions and actions refer directly to the presence (or absence) of objects in working memory. For example, a production might say:

CONDITIONS: block A is clear
            block B is clear
ACTIONS:    suggest an operator to move block A ontop of block B

This is not the literal syntax of productions, but a simplification. The actual syntax is presented in Chapter 3.

The conditions of a production may also specify the absence of patterns in working memory. For example, the conditions could also specify that "block A is not red" or "there are no red blocks on the table". But since these are not needed for our example production, there are no examples of negated conditions for now.

The order of the conditions of a production do not matter to Soar except that the first condition must directly test the state. Internally, Soar will reorder the conditions so that the matching process can be more efficient. This is a mechanical detail that need not concern most users. However, you may print your productions to the screen or save them in a file; if they are not in the order that you expected them to be, it is likely that the conditions have been reordered by Soar.

Variables in productions and multiple instantiations

In the example production above, the names of the blocks are "hardcoded", that is, they are named specifically. In Soar productions, variables are used so that a production can apply to a wider range of situations.

When variables are bound to specific symbols in working memory elements by Soar’s match- ing process, Soar creates an instantiation of the production. This instantiation consists of the matched production along with a specific and consistent set of symbols that matched the variables. A production instantiation is consistent only if every occurrence of a variable is bound to the same value. Multiple instantiations of the same production can be created since the same production may match multiple times, each with different variable bindings. If blocks A and B are clear, the first production (without variables) will suggest one operator. However, consider a new proposal production that used variables to test the names of the block. Such a production will be instantiated twice and therefore suggest two operators: one operator to move block A on top of block B and a second operator to move block B on top of block A.

Because the identifiers of objects are determined at runtime, literal identifiers cannot appear in productions. Since identifiers occur in every working memory element, variables must be used to test for identifiers, and using the same variables across multiple occurrences is what links conditions together.

Just as the elements of working memory must be linked to a state in working memory, so must the objects referred to in a production’s conditions. That is, one condition must test a state object and all other conditions must test that same state or objects that are linked to that state.

Architectural roles of productions

Soar productions can fulfill the following four roles, by retrieving different types of procedural knowledge:

  1. Operator proposal
  2. Operator comparison
  3. Operator application
  4. State elaboration

A single production should not fulfill more than one of these roles (except for proposing an operator and creating an absolute preference for it). Although productions are not declared to be of one type or the other, Soar examines the structure of each production and classifies the rules automatically based on whether they propose and compare operators, apply operators, or elaborate the state.

Production Actions and Persistence

Generally, actions of a production either create preferences for operator selection, or cre- ate/remove working memory elements. For operator proposal and comparison, a production creates preferences for operator selection. These preferences should persist only as long as the production instantiation that created them continues to match. When the production instantiation no longer matches, the situation has changed, making the preference no longer relevant. Soar automatically removes the preferences in such cases. These preferences are said to have i-support (for "instantiation support"). Similarly, state elaborations are simple inferences that are valid only so long as the production matches. Working memory elements created as state elaborations also have i-support and remain in working memory only as long as the production instantiation that created them continues to match working memory. For example, the set of relevant operators changes as the state changes, thus the proposal of operators is done with i-supported preferences. This way, the operator proposals will be retracted when they no longer apply to the current situation.

However, the actions of productions that apply an operator, either by adding or removing elements from working memory, persist regardless of whether the operator is still selected or the operator application production instantiation still matches. For example, in placing a block on another block, a condition is that the second block be clear. However, the action of placing the first block removes the fact that the second block is clear, so the condition will no longer be satisfied.

Thus, operator application productions do not retract their actions, even if they no longer match working memory. This is called o-support (for "operator support"). Working memory elements that participate in the application of operators are maintained throughout the existence of the state in which the operator is applied, unless explicitly removed (or if they become unlinked). Working memory elements are removed by a reject action of a operator- application rule.

Whether a working memory element receives o-support or i-support is determined by the structure of the production instantiation that creates the working memory element. O-support is given only to working memory elements created by operator-application productions in the state where the operator was selected.

An operator-application production tests the current operator of a state and modifies the state. Thus, a working memory element receives o-support if it is for an augmentation of the current state or substructure of the state, and the conditions of the instantiation that created it test augmentations of the current operator.

During productions matching, all productions that have their conditions met fire, creating preferences which may add or remove working memory elements. Also, working memory elements and preferences that lose i-support are removed from working memory. Thus, several new working memory elements and preferences may be created, and several existing working memory elements and preferences may be removed at the same time. (Of course, all this doesn’t happen literally at the same time, but the order of firings and retractions is unimportant, and happens in parallel from a functional perspective.)

Preference Memory: Selection Knowledge

The selection of the current operator is determined by the preferences in preference memory. Preferences are suggestions or imperatives about the current operator, or information about how suggested operators compare to other operators. Preferences refer to operators by using the identifier of a working memory element that stands for the operator. After preferences have been created for a state, the decision procedure evaluates them to select the current operator for that state.

For an operator to be selected, there will be at least one preference for it, specifically, a preference to say that the value is a candidate for the operator attribute of a state (this is done with either an "acceptable or "require" preference). There may also be others, for example to say that the value is "best".

Preferences remain in preference memory until removed for one of the reasons previously discussed in Production Actions and Persistence.

Preference Semantics

This section describes the semantics of each type of preference. More details on the preference resolution process are provided in How preferences are evaluated to decide an operator.

Only a single value can be selected as the current operator, that is, all values are mutually exclusive. In addition, there is no implicit transitivity in the semantics of preferences. If A is indifferent to B, and B is indifferent to C, A and C will not be indifferent to one another unless there is a preference that A is indifferent to C (or C and A are both indifferent to all competing values).

  • Acceptable (+) An acceptable preference states that a value is a candidate for selection. All values, except those with require preferences, must have an acceptable preference in order to be selected. If there is only one value with an acceptable preference (and none with a require preference), that value will be selected as long as it does not also have a reject or a prohibit preference.

  • Reject (-) A reject preference states that the value is not a candidate for selection.

  • Better (>value), Worse (<value) A better or worse preference states, for the two values involved, that one value should not be selected if the other value is a candidate. Better and worse allow for the creation of a partial ordering between candidate values. Better and worse are simple inverses of each other, so that A better than B is equivalent to be worse than A.

  • Best (>) A best preference states that the value may be better than any competing value (unless there are other competing values that are also "best"). If a value is best (and not rejected, prohibited, or worse than another), it will be selected over any other value that is not also best (or required). If two such values are best, then any remaining preferences for those candidates (worst,indifferent) will be examined to determine the selection. Note that if a value (that is not rejected or prohibited) is better than a best value, the better value will be selected. (This result is counter- intuitive, but allows explicit knowledge about the relative worth of two values to dominate knowledge of only a single value. A require preference should be used when a value must be selected for the goal to be achieved.)

  • Worst (<) A worst preference states that the value should be selected only if there are no alternatives. It allows for a simple type of default specification. The semantics of the worst preference are similar to those for the best preference.

  • Unary Indifferent (=) A unary indifferent preference states that there is positive knowledge that a single value is as good or as bad a choice as other expected alternatives. When two or more competing values both have indifferent preferences, by default, Soar chooses randomly from among the alternatives. (The decide indifferent-selection function can be used to change this behavior).

  • Binary Indifferent (=value) A binary indifferent preference states that two values are mutually indifferent and it does not matter which of these values are selected. It behaves like a unary in different preference, except that the operator value given this preference is only made indifferent to the operator value given as the argument.

  • Numeric-Indifferent (=number) A numeric-indifferent preference is used to bias the random selection from mutually indifferent values. This preference includes a unary indifferent preference, and behaves in that manner when competing with another value having a unary indifferent preference. But when a set of competing operator values have numeric-indifferent preferences, the decision mechanism will choose an operator based on their numeric-indifferent values and the exploration policy. The available exploration policies and how they calculate selection probability are detailed in the documentation for the indifferent-selection command. When a single operator is given multiple numeric-indifferent preferences, they are either averaged or summed into a single value based on the setting of the numeric-indifferent-mode command. Numeric-indifferent preferences that are created by RL rules can be adjusted by the reinforcement learning mechanism. In this way, it’s possible for an agent to begin a task with only arbitrarily initialized numeric indifferent preferences and with experience learn to make the optimal decisions. See chapter 5 for more information.

  • Require (!) A require preference states that the value must be selected if the goal is to be achieved. A required value is preferred over all others. Only a single operator value should be given a require preference at a time.

  • Prohibit (~) A prohibit preference states that the value cannot be selected if the goal is to be achieved. If a value has a prohibit preference, it will not be selected for a value of an augmentation, independent of the other preferences.

If there is an acceptable preference for a value of an operator, and there are no other competing values, that operator will be selected. If there are multiple acceptable preferences for the same state but with different values, the preferences must be evaluated to determine which candidate is selected.

If the preferences can be evaluated without conflict, the appropriate operator augmentation of the state will be added to working memory. This can happen when they all suggest the same operator or when one operator is preferable to the others that have been suggested. When the preferences conflict, Soar reaches an impasse, as described in Impasses and Substates.

Preferences can be confusing; for example, there can be two suggested values that are both "best" (which again will lead to an impasse unless additional preferences resolve this conflict); or there may be one preference to say that value A is better than valueB and a second preference to say that value B is better than valueA.

How preferences are evaluated to decide an operator

During the decision phase, operator preferences are evaluated in a sequence of eight steps, in an effort to select a single operator. Each step handles a specific type of preference, as illustrated in Figure 2.8. (The figure should be read starting at the top where all the operator preferences are collected and passed into the procedure. At each step, the procedure either exits through a arrow to the right, or passes to the next step through an arrow to the left.)

Input to the procedure is the set of current operator preferences, and the output consists of:

  1. A subset of the candidate operators, which is either the empty set, a single, winning candidate, or a larger set of candidates that may be conflicting, tied, or indifferent.
  2. An impasse-type.

The procedure has several potential exit points. Some occur when the procedure has detected a particular type of impasse. The others occur when the number of candidates has been reduced to one (necessarily the winner) or zero (a no-change impasse).

An illustration of the preference resolution process. There are eight steps; only five of these provide exits from the resolution process.
An illustration of the preference resolution process. There are eight steps; only five of these provide exits from the resolution process.

Each step in Figure 2.8 is described below:

  • RequireTest (!) This test checks for required candidates in preference memory and also constraint-failure impasses involving require preferences, cf. Impasses and Substates.

    • If there is exactly one candidate operator with a require preference and that candidate does not have a prohibit preference, then that candidate is the winner and preference semantics terminates.
    • Otherwise — If there is more than one required candidate, then a constraint- failure impasse is recognized and preference semantics terminates by returning the set of required candidates.
    • Otherwise — If there is a required candidate that is also prohibited, a constraint- failure impasse with the required/prohibited value is recognized and preference semantics terminates.
    • Otherwise — There is no required candidate; candidates are passed to AcceptableCollect.
  • AcceptableCollect (+) This operation builds a list of operators for which there is an acceptable preference in preference memory. This list of candidate operators is passed to the ProhibitFilter.

  • ProhibitFilter (~) This filter removes the candidates that have prohibit preferences in memory. The rest of the candidates are passed to the RejectFilter.

  • RejectFilter (-) This filter removes the candidates that have reject preferences in mem- ory.

  • Exit Point 1:

    • At this point, if the set of remaining candidates is empty, a no-change impasse is created with no operators being selected.
    • If the set has one member, preference semantics terminates and this set is re- turned.
    • Otherwise, the remaining candidates are passed to the BetterWorseFilter.
  • BetterWorseFilter (>), (<) This filter removes any candidates that are worse than an- other candidate.

  • Exit point 2:

    • If the set of remaining candidates is empty, a conflict impasse is created returning the set of all candidates passed into this filter, i.e. all of the conflicted operators.
    • If the set of remaining candidates has one member, preference semantics terminates and this set is returned.
    • Otherwise, the remaining candidates are passed to the BestFilter.
  • BestFilter (>) If some remaining candidate has a best preference, this filter removes any candidates that do not have a best preference. If there are no best preferences for any of the current candidates, the filter has no effect. The remaining candidates are passed to the WorstFilter.

  • Exit Point 3:

    • At this point, if the set of remaining candidates is empty, a no-change impasse is created with no operators being selected.
    • If the set has one member, preference semantics terminates and this set is re- turned.
    • Otherwise, the remaining candidates are passed to the WorstFilter.
  • WorstFilter (<) This filter removes any candidates that have a worst preference. If all remaining candidates have worst preferences or there are no worst preferences, this filter has no effect.

  • Exit Point 4:

    • At this point, if the set of remaining candidates is empty, a no-change impasse is created with no operators being selected.
    • If the set has one member, preference semantics terminates and this set is re- turned.
    • Otherwise, the remaining candidates are passed to the IndifferentFilter.
  • IndifferentFilter (=) This operation traverses the remaining candidates and marks each candidate for which one of the following is true:

    • the candidate has a unary indifferent preference
    • the candidate has a numeric indifferent preference

This filter then checks every candidate that is not one of the above two types to see if it has a binary indifferent preference with every other candidate. If one of the candidates fails this test, then the procedure signals a tie impasse and returns the complete set of candidates that were passed into the IndifferentFilter. Otherwise, the candidates are mutually indifferent, in which case an operator is chosen according to the method set by the decide indifferent-selection command.

Soar’s Execution Cycle: Without Substates

The execution of a Soar program proceeds through a number of decision cycles. Each cycle has five phases:

  1. Input: New sensory data comes into working memory.
  2. Proposal: Productions fire (and retract) to interpret new data (state elaboration), propose operators for the current situation (operator proposal), and compare proposed operators (operator comparison). All of the actions of these productions are i-supported. All matched productions fire in parallel (and all retractions occur in parallel), and matching and firing continues until there are no more additional complete matches or retractions of productions (quiescence).
  3. Decision: A new operator is selected, or an impasse is detected and a new state is created.
  4. Application: Productions fire to apply the operator (operator application). The actions of these productions will be o-supported. Because of changes from operator application productions, other productions with i-supported actions may also match or retract. Just as during proposal, productions fire and retract in parallel until quiescence.
  5. Output: Output commands are sent to the external environment.

The cycles continue until the halt action is issued from the Soar program (as the action of a production) or until Soar is interrupted by the user.

An important aspect of productions in Soar to keep in mind is that all productions will always fire whenever their conditions are met, and retract whenever their conditions are no longer met. The exact details of this process are shown in Figure 2.9. The Proposal and Application phases described above are both composed of as many elaboration cycles as are necessary to reach quiescence. In each elaboration cycle, all matching productions fire and the working memory changes or operator preferences described through their actions are made. After each elaboration cycle, if the working memory changes just made change the set of matching productions, another cycle ensues. This repeats until the set of matching rules remains unchanged, a situation called quiescence.

A detailed illustration of Soar’s decision cycle.
A detailed illustration of Soar’s decision cycle.

After quiescence is reached in the Proposal phase, the Decision phase ensues, which is the architectural selection of a single operator, if possible. Once an operator is selected, the Apply phase ensues, which is practically the same as the Proposal phase, except that any productions that apply the chosen operator (they test for the selection of that operator in their conditions) will now match and fire.

During the processing of these phases, it is possible that the preferences that resulted in the selection of the current operator could change. Whenever operator preferences change, the preferences are re-evaluated and if a different operator selection would be made, then the current operator augmentation of the state is immediately removed. However, a new operator is not selected until the next decision phase, when all knowledge has had a chance to be retrieved. In other words, if, during the Apply phase, the production(s) that proposed the selected operator retract, that Apply phase will immediately end.

Input and Output

Many Soar users will want their programs to interact with a real or simulated environment. For example, Soar programs may control a robot, receiving sensory inputs and sending command outputs. Soar programs may also interact with simulated environments, such as a flight simulator. Input is viewed as Soar’s perception and output is viewed as Soar’s motor abilities.

When Soar interacts with an external environment, it must make use of mechanisms that allow it to receive input from that environment and to effect changes in that environment; the mechanisms provided in Soar are called input functions and output functions.

  • Input functions add and delete elements from working memory in response to changes in the external environment.
  • Output functions attempt to effect changes in the external environment.

Input is processed at the beginning of each execution cycle and output occurs at the end of each execution cycle. See Soar I/O: Input and Output in Soar for more information.

A simplified version of the Soar algorithm:

   while (HALT not true) Cycle;


   while (some i-supported productions are waiting to fire or retract)

   for (each state in the stack,
      starting with the top-level state)
   until (a new decision is reached)
      EvaluateOperatorPreferences; /_ for the state being considered _/
      if (one operator preferred after preference evaluation)
      else /_ could be no operator available or _/
         CreateNewSubstate; /_ unable to decide between more than one _/

   while (some productions are waiting to fire or retract)

Impasses and Substates

When the decision procedure is applied to evaluate preferences and determine the operator augmentation of the state, it is possible that the preferences are either incomplete or inconsistent. The preferences can be incomplete in that no acceptable operators are suggested, or that there are insufficient preferences to distinguish among acceptable operators. The preferences can be inconsistent if, for instance, operator A is preferred to operator B, and operator B is preferred to operator A. Since preferences are generated independently across different production instantiations, there is no guarantee that they will be consistent.

Impasse Types

There are four types of impasses that can arise from the preference scheme.

Tie impasse

A tie impasse arises if the preferences do not distinguish between two or more operators that have acceptable preferences. If two operators both have best or worst preferences, they will tie unless additional preferences distinguish between them.

Conflict impasse

A conflict impasse arises if at least two values have conflicting better or worse preferences (such as A is better than B and B is better than A) for an operator, and neither one is rejected, prohibited, or required.

Constraint-failure impasse

A constraint-failure impasse arises if there is more than one required value for an operator, or if a value has both a require and a prohibit preference. These preferences represent constraints on the legal selections that can be made for a decision and if they conflict, no progress can be made from the current situation and the impasse cannot be resolved by additional preferences.

No-change impasse

A no-change impasse arises if a new operator is not selected during the decision procedure. There are two types of no-change impasses:

  • A State no-change impasse occurs when there are no acceptable (or require) preferences to suggest operators for the current state (or all the acceptable values have also been rejected). The decision procedure cannot select a new operator.

  • A Operator no-change impasse occurs when either a new operator is selected for the current state but no additional productions match during the application phase, or a new operator is not selected during the next decision phase.

There can be only one type of impasse at a given level of subgoaling at a time. Given the semantics of the preferences, it is possible to have a tie or conflict impasse and a constraint- failure impasse at the same time. In these cases, Soar detects only the constraint-failure impasse.

The impasse is detected during the selection of the operator, but happens because one of the four problem-solving functions (described in Problem-Solving function in Soar) was incomplete.

Creating New States

Soar handles these inconsistencies by creating a new state, called a substate in which the goal of the problem solving is to resolve the impasse. Thus, in the substate, operators will be selected and applied in an attempt either to discover which of the tied operators should be selected, or to apply the selected operator piece by piece. The substate is often called a subgoal because it exists to resolve the impasse, but is sometimes called a substate because the representation of the subgoal in Soar is as a state.

The initial state in the subgoal contains a complete description of the cause of the impasse, such as the operators that could not be decided among (or that there were no operators proposed) and the state that the impasse arose in. From the perspective of the new state, the latter is called the superstate. Thus, the superstate is part of the substructure of each state, represented by the Soar architecture using the superstate attribute. (The initial state, created in the 0th decision cycle, contains a superstate attribute with the value of nil - the top-level state has no superstate.)

The knowledge to resolve the impasse may be retrieved by any type of problem solving, from searching to discover the implications of different decisions, to asking an outside agent for advice. There is no a priori restriction on the processing, except that it involves applying operators to states.

In the substate, operators can be selected and applied as Soar attempts to solve the sub- goal. (The operators proposed for solving the subgoal may be similar to the operators in the superstate, or they may be entirely different.) While problem solving in the subgoal, additional impasses may be encountered, leading to new subgoals. Thus, it is possible for Soar to have a stack of subgoals, represented as states: Each state has a single superstate (except the initial state) and each state may have at most one substate. Newly created subgoals are considered to be added to the bottom of the stack; the first state is therefore called the top-level state.3 See Figure 2.11 for a simplified illustrations of a subgoal stack.

A simplified illustration of a subgoal stack.
A simplified illustration of a subgoal stack.

Soar continually attempts to retrieve knowledge relevant to all goals in the subgoal stack, although problem-solving activity will tend to focus on the most recently created state. However, problem solving is active at all levels, and productions that match at any level will fire.


In order to resolve impasses, subgoals must generate results that allow the problem solving at higher levels to proceed. The results of a subgoal are the working memory elements and preferences that were created in the substate, and that are also linked directly or indirectly to a superstate (any superstate in the stack). A preference or working memory element is said to be created in a state if the production that created it tested that state and this is the most recent state that the production tested. Thus, if a production tests multiple states, the preferences and working memory elements in its actions are considered to be created in the most recent of those states (the lowest-level state) and is not considered to have been created in the other states. The architecture automatically detects if a preference or working memory element created in a substate is also linked to a superstate.

These working memory elements and preferences will not be removed when the impasse is resolved because they are still linked to a superstate, and therefore, they are called the results of the subgoal. A result has either i-support or o-support; the determination of support is described below.

A working memory element or preference will be a result if its identifier is already linked to a superstate. A working memory element or preference can also become a result indirectly if, after it is created and it is still in working memory or preference memory, its identifier becomes linked to a superstate through the creation of another result. For example, if the problem solving in a state constructs an operator for a superstate, it may wait until the operator structure is complete before creating an acceptable preference for the operator in the superstate. The acceptable preference is a result because it was created in the state and is linked to the superstate (and, through the superstate, is linked to the top-level state). The substructures of the operator then become results because the operator’s identifier is now linked to the superstate.

Justifications: Support for results

Recall from section Production Actions and Persistance that WMEs with i-support disappear as soon as the production that created them retract,4 whereas WMEs with o-support (created through applying an operator) persist in working memory until deliberately removed.

Some results receive i-support, while others receive o-support. The type of support received by a result is determined by the function it plays in the superstate, and not the function it played in the state in which it was created. For example, a result might be created through operator application in the state that created it; however, it might only be a state elaboration in the superstate. The first function would lead to o-support, but the second would lead to i-support.

In order for the architecture to determine whether a result receives i-support or o-support, Soar must first determine the function that the working memory element or preference plays (that is, whether the result should be considered an operator application or not). To do this, Soar creates a temporary production, called a justification. The justification summarizes the processing in the substate that led to the result:

  • The conditions of a justification are those working memory elements that exist in the superstate (and above) that were necessary for producing the result. This is determined by collecting all of the working memory elements tested by the productions that fired in the subgoal that led to the creation of the result, and then removing those conditions that test working memory elements created in the subgoal.

  • The action of the justification is the result of the subgoal.

Thus, when the substate disappears, the generated justification serves as the production that supports any subgoal results.

Soar determines i-support or o-support for the justification and its actions just as it would for any other production, as described in section Production Actions and Persistence. If the justification is an operator application, the result will receive o-support. Otherwise, the result gets i-support from the justification. If such a result loses i-support from the justification, it will be retracted if there is no other support.

Justifications include any negated conditions that were in the original productions that participated in producing the results, and that test for the absence of superstate working memory elements. Negated conditions that test for the absence of working memory elements that are local to the substate are not included, which can lead to overgeneralization in the justification (see Sections Operational Analysis and Collapsed Negative Reasoning for details).

Chunking: Learning Procedural Knowledge

When an operator impasse is resolved, it means that Soar has, through problem solving, gained access to knowledge that was not readily available before. Therefore, when an impasse is resolved, Soar has an opportunity to learn, by summarizing and generalizing the processing in the substate.

One of Soar’s learning mechanisms is called chunking (See chapter 4 for more information); it attempts to create a new production, called a chunk. The conditions of the chunk are the elements of the state that (through some chain of production firings) allowed the impasse to be resolved; the action of the production is the working memory element or preference that resolved the impasse (the result of the impasse). The conditions and action are variablized so that this new production may match in a similar situation in the future and prevent an impasse from arising.

Chunks and justifications are very similar in that they both summarize substate results. They are, in fact, generated by the architecture using the same result dependency trace mechanisms. However, there are some important distinctions:

  1. Justifications disappear as soon as its conditions no longer match.
  2. Chunks contain variables so that they may match working memory in other situations; justifications are similar to an instantiated chunk.

In other words, a chunk might be thought of as a permanent and potentially more generalized form of a justification. Since the result that solves the impasse problem is learned in a chunk, whenever the agent encounters the same situation again as that which resulted in the original impasse, it can simply fire the chunk to generate the same result previously derived, preempting the need for a substate and repeated deliberate problem solving.

The calculation of o-support

This section provides a more detailed description of when an action is given o-support by an instantiation.5 The content here is somewhat more advanced, and the reader unfamiliar with rule syntax (explained in Chapter 3) may wish to skip this section and return at a later point.

Support is given by the production; that is, all working memory changes generated by the actions of a single instantiated production will have the same support (an action that is not given o-support will have i-support). The conditions and actions of a production rule will here be referred to using the shorthand of LHS and RHS (for Left-Hand Side and Right-Hand Side), respectively.

A production must meet the following two requirements to have o-supported actions:

  1. The RHS has no operator proposals, i.e. nothing of the form

    (<s> ^operator <o> +)

  2. The LHS has a condition that tests the current operator, i.e. something of the form

    (<s> ^operator <o>)

In condition 1, the variable <s> must be bound to a state identifier. In condition 2, the variable <s> must be bound to the lowest state identifier. That is to say, each (positive) condition on the LHS takes the form (id ^attr value), some of these id’s match state identifiers, and the system looks for the deepest matched state identifier. The tested current operator must be on this state. For example, in this production,

sp {elaborate*state*operator\*name
   (state <s> ^superstate <s1>)
   (<s1> ^operator <o>)
   (<o> ^name <name>)
   (<s> ^name something)}

the RHS action gets i-support. Of course, the state bound to <s> is destroyed when (<s1> ^operator <o>) retracts, so o-support would make little difference. On the other hand, this production,

   sp {operator*superstate*application
   (state <s> ^superstate <s1>)
              ^operator <o>)
   (<o> ^name <name>)
   (<s1> ^sub-operator-name <name>)}

gives o-support to its RHS action, which remains after the substate bound to <s> is destroyed.

An extension of condition 1 is that operator augmentations should always receive i-support (augmentations define the proposed operator). Soar has been written to recognize augmentations directly off the operator (ie, (<o> ^augmentation value)), and to attempt to give them i-support. However, what should be done about a production that simultaneously tests an operator, doesn’t propose an operator, adds an operator augmentation, and adds a non-operator augmentation?

For example:

sp {operator*augmentation*application
   (state <s> ^task test-support
              ^operator <o>)
   (<o> ^new augmentation)
   (<s> ^new augmentation)}

In such cases, both receive i-support. Soar will print a warning on firing this production, because this is considered bad coding style.

Removal of Substates: Impasse Resolution

Problem solving in substates is an important part of what Soar does, and an operator impasse does not necessarily indicate a problem in the Soar program. They are a way to decompose a complex problem into smaller parts and they provide a context for a program to deliberate about which operator to select. Operator impasses are necessary, for example, for Soar to do any learning about problem solving (as will be discussed in Chapter 4). This section describes how impasses may be resolved during the execution of a Soar program, how they may be eliminated during execution without being resolved, and some tips on how to modify a Soar program to prevent a specific impasse from occurring in the first place.

Resolving Impasses

An impasse is resolved when processing in a subgoal creates results that lead to the selection of a new operator for the state where the impasse arose. When an operator impasse is resolved, Soar has an opportunity to learn, and the substate (and all its substructure) is removed from working memory.

Here are possible approaches for resolving specific types of impasses are listed below:

  • Tie impasse — A tie impasse can be resolved by productions that create preferences that prefer one option (better, best, require), eliminate alternatives (worse, worst, reject,prohibit), or make all of the objects indifferent (indifferent).

  • Conflict impasse — A conflict impasse can be resolved by productions that create preferences to require one option (require), or eliminate the alternatives (reject, prohibit).

  • Constraint-failure impasse — A constraint-failure impasse cannot be resolved by additional preferences, but may be prevented by changing productions so that they create fewer require or prohibit preferences. A substate can resolve a constraint-failure impasse through actions that cause all but one of the conflicting preferences to retract.

  • State no-change impasse — A state no-change impasse can be resolved by productions that create acceptable or require preferences for operators.

  • Operator no-change impasse — An operator no-change impasse can be resolved by productions that apply the operator, change the state so the operator proposal no longer matches, or cause other operators to be proposed and preferred.

Eliminating Impasses

An impasse is resolved when results are created that allow progress to be made in the state where the impasse arose. In Soar, an impasse can be eliminated (but not resolved) when a higher level impasse is resolved, eliminated, or regenerated. In these cases, the impasse becomes irrelevant because higher-level processing can proceed. An impasse can also become irrelevant if input from the outside world changes working memory which in turn causes productions to fire that make it possible to select an operator. In these cases, the impasse is eliminated, but not "resolved", and Soar does not learn in this situation.

For example, in the blocks-world domain, an agent might deliberate in a substate to deter- mine whether it should move block A onto block C or block B onto block C in its current situation. If a child suddenly throws block A out a window, this problem solving becomes irrelevant, and the impasse is eliminated.

Regenerating Impasses

An impasse is regenerated when the problem solving in the subgoal becomes inconsistent with the current situation. During problem solving in a subgoal, Soar monitors which aspect of the surrounding situation (the working memory elements that exist in superstates) the problem solving in the subgoal has depended upon. If those aspects of the surrounding situation change, either because of changes in input or because of results, the problem solving in the subgoal is inconsistent, and the state created in response to the original impasse is removed and a new state is created. Problem solving will now continue from this new state. The impasse is not "resolved", and Soar does not learn in this situation.

The reason for regeneration is to guarantee that the working memory elements and preferences created in a substate are consistent with higher level states. As stated above, inconsistency can arise when a higher level state changes either as a result of changes in what is sensed in the external environment, or from results produced in the subgoal. The problem with inconsistency is that once inconsistency arises, the problem being solved in the subgoal may no longer be the problem that actually needs to be solved. Luckily, not all changes to a superstate lead to inconsistency.

In order to detect inconsistencies, Soar maintains a Goal Dependency Set (GDS) for every subgoal/substate. The dependency set consists of all working memory elements that were tested in the conditions of productions that created o-supported working memory elements that are directly or indirectly linked to the substate (in other words, any superstate knowledge used to derive persistent substate knowledge). Whenever such an o-supported WME is created, Soar records which superstate WMEs were tested, directly or indirectly, to create it. Whenever any of the WMEs in the dependency set of a substate change, the substate is regenerated. (See Sections print and trace for how to examine GDS information through the user-interface.)

Note that the creation of i-supported structures in a subgoal does not increase the dependency set, nor do o-supported results. Thus, only subgoals that involve the creation of internal o-support working memory elements risk regeneration, and then only when the basis for the creation of those elements changes.

Substate Removal

Whenever a substate is removed, all working memory elements and preferences that were created in the substate that are not results are removed from working memory. In Figure 2.11, state S3 will be removed from working memory when the impasse that created it is resolved, that is, when sufficient preferences have been generated so that one of the operators for state S2 can be selected. When state S3 is removed, operator O9 will also be removed, as will the acceptable preferences for O7, O8, and O9, and the impasse, attribute, and choices augmentations of state S3. These working memory elements are removed because they are no longer linked to the subgoal stack. The acceptable preferences for operators O4, O5, and O6 remain in working memory. They were linked to state S3, but since they are also linked to state S2, they will stay in working memory until S2 is removed (or until they are retracted or rejected).

Soar’s Cycle: With Substates

When there are multiple substates, Soar’s cycle remains basically the same but has a few minor changes.

The main change when there are multiple substates is that at each phase of the decision cycle, Soar goes through the substates, from oldest (highest) to newest (lowest), completing any necessary processing at that level for that phase before doing any processing in the next substate. When firing productions for the proposal or application phases, Soar processes the firing (and retraction) of rules, starting from those matching the oldest substate to the newest. Whenever a production fires or retracts, changes are made to working memory and preference memory, possibly changing which productions will match at the lower levels (productions firing within a given level are fired in parallel – simulated). Productions firings at higher levels can resolve impasses and thus eliminate lower states before the productions at the lower level ever fire. Thus, whenever a level in the state stack is reached, all production activity is guaranteed to be consistent with any processing that has occurred at higher levels.

Removal of Substates: The Goal Dependency Set

This subsection describes the Goal Dependency Set (GDS) with discussions on the motivation for the GDS and behavioral consequences of the GDS from a developer/modeler’s point of view. It goes into greater detail than might be beneficial for someone becoming familiar with the general operation of Soar for the first time. Readers may skip this section and return later if desired.

Why the GDS was needed

As a symbol system, Soar attempts to approximate a true knowledge level but will necessarily always fall short. We can informally think of the way in which Soar falls short as its peculiar "psychology." Those interested in using Soar to model human cognition would like Soar’s psychology to approximate human psychology. Those using Soar to create agent systems would like to make Soar’s processing approximate the knowledge level as closely as possible. Soar 7 had a number of symbol-level quirks that appeared inconsistent with human psychology and that made building large-scale, knowledge-based systems in Soar more difficult than necessary. Bob Wray’s thesis 6 addressed many of these symbol-level problems in Soar, among them logical inconsistency in symbol manipulations, non-contemporaneous constraints in chunks , race conditions in rule firings and in the decision process, and contention between original task knowledge and learned knowledge.

The Goal Dependency Set implements a solution to logical inconsistencies between persis- tent (o-supported) WMEs in a substate and its "context". The context consists of all the WMEs in any superstates above the local goal/state.7 In Soar, any action (application) of an operator receives an o-support preference. This preference makes the resulting WME persistent: it will remain in memory until explicitly removed or until its local state is removed, regardless of whether it continues to be justified.

Persistent WMEs are pervasive in Soar, because operators are the main unit of problem solving. Persistence is necessary for taking any non-monotonic step in a problem space. However, persistent WMEs also are dependent on WMEs in the superstate context. The problem in Soar prior to GDS, especially when trying to create a large-scale system, is that the knowledge developer must always think about which dependencies can be "ignored" and which may affect the persistent WME. For example, imagine an exploration robot that makes a persistent decision to travel to some distant destination based, in part, on its power reserves. Now suppose that the agent notices that its power reserves have failed. If this change is not communicated to the state where the travel decision was made, the agent will continue to act as if its full power reserves were still available.

Of course, for this specific example, the knowledge designer can encode some knowledge to react to this inconsistency. The fundamental problem is that the knowledge designer has to consider all possible interactions between all o-supported WMEs and all contexts. Soar systems often use the architecture’s impasse mechanism to realize a form of decomposition. These potential interactions mean that the knowledge developer cannot focus on individual problem spaces in isolation when creating knowledge, which makes knowledge development more difficult. Further, in all but the simplest systems, the knowledge designer will miss some potential interactions. The result is that agents were unnecessarily brittle, failing in difficult-to-understand, difficult-to-duplicate ways.

The GDS also solves the the problem of non-contemporaneous constraints in chunks. A non-contemporaneous constraint refers to two or more conditions that never co-occur simultaneously. An example might be a driving robot that learned a rule that attempted to match "red light" and "green light" simultaneously. Obviously, for functioning traffic lights, this rule would never fire. By ensuring that local persistent elements are always consistent with the higher-level context, non-contemporaneous constraints in chunks are guaranteed not to happen.

The GDS captures context dependencies during processing, meaning the architecture will identify and respond to inconsistencies automatically. The knowledge designer then does not have to consider potential inconsistencies between local, o-supported WMEs and the context.

Behavior-level view of the Goal Dependency Set

The following discussion covers what the GDS does, and how that impacts production knowledge design and implementation.

Operation of the Goal Dependency Set: Consider i-support. The persistence of an i-supported ("instantiation supported") WME depends upon the creating production instantiation (and, more specifically, the features the instantiation tests). When one of the conditions in the production instantiation no longer matches, the instantiation is retracted, resulting in the loss of that support for the WME. I-support is illustrated in Figure 2.12. A copy of A in the subgoal,As, is retracted automatically when A changes to A’. The substate WME persists only as long as it remains justified by A.

In the broadest sense, we can say that some feature <b> is "dependent" upon another element <a> if <a> was used in the creation of <b>, i.e., if <a> was tested in the production instantiation that created <b>. Further, a dependent change with respect to feature <b> is a change to any of its instantiating features. This applies to both i-supported and o- supported WMEs. In Figure 2.12, the change from A to A’ is a dependent change for feature 1 because A was used to create 1.

When A changes, the persistent WME 1 may be no longer consistent with its context (e.g., A’). The specific solution to this problem through GDS is inspired by the dependency analysis portion of the justification/chunking algorithm (see Chapter 4). Whenever an o- supported WME is created in the local state, the superstate dependencies of that new feature are determined and added to the goal dependency set (GDS) of that state. Conceptually speaking, whenever a working memory change occurs, the dependency sets for every state in the context hierarchy are compared to working memory changes. If a removed element is found in a GDS, the state is removed from memory (along with all existing substructure). The dependency set includes only dependencies for o-supported features. For example, in Figure 2.13, at time \(t_0\) , because only i-supported features have been created in the subgoal, the dependency set is empty.

Simplified Representation of the context dependencies (above the line), local o-supported WMEs (below the line), and the generation of a result. Prior to GDS, this situation led to non-contemporaneous constraints in the chunk that generates 3.
Simplified Representation of the context dependencies (above the line), local o-supported WMEs (below the line), and the generation of a result. Prior to GDS, this situation led to non-contemporaneous constraints in the chunk that generates 3.
The Dependency Set in Soar.
The Dependency Set in Soar.

Three types of features can be tested in the creation of an o-supported feature. Each requires a slightly different type of update to the dependency set.

  1. Elements in the superstate: WMEs in the superstate are added directly to the goal’s dependency set. In Figure 2.13, the persistent subgoal item 3 is dependent upon A and D. These superstate WMEs are added to the subgoal’s dependency set when 3 is added to working memory at time \(t_1\). It does not matter that A is i-supported and Do-supported.
  2. Local i-supported features: Local i-supported features are not added to the goal dependency set. Instead, the superstate WMEs that led to the creation of the i- supported feature are determined and added to the GDS. In the example, when 4 is created,A, B and C must be added to the dependency set because they are the superstate features that led to 1 , which in turn led to 2 and finally 4. However, because item A was previously added to the dependency set at \(t_1\) , it is unnecessary to add it again.
  3. Local o-supported features: The dependencies of a local o-supported feature have already been added to the state’s GDS. Thus, tests of local o-supported WMEs do not require additions to the dependency set. In Figure 2.13, the creation of element 5 does not change the dependency set because it is dependent only upon persistent items 3 and 4 , whose features had been previously added to the GDS.

At any time after t 1 , either the D to D’ or A to A’ transition would cause the removal of the entire subgoal. TheEtoE’transition causes no retraction becauseEis not in the goal’s dependency set.

The role of the GDS in agent design: The GDS places some design time constraints on operator implementation. These constraints are:

  • Operator actions that are used to remember a previous state/situation should be asserted in the top state.
  • All operator elaborations should be i-supported.
  • Any operator with local actions should be designed to be re-entrant.

Because any dependencies for o-supported subgoal WMEs will be added to the GDS, the developer must decide if an o-supported element should be represented in a substate or the top state. This decision is straightforward if the functional role of the persistent element is considered. Four important capabilities that require persistence are:

  1. Reasoning hypothetically: Some structures may need to reflect hypothetical states. These are "assumptions" because a hypothetical inference cannot always be grounded in the current context. In problem solvers with truth maintenance, only assumptions are persistent.
  2. Reasoning non-monotonically: Sometimes the result of an inference changes one of the structures on which the inference is dependent. As an example, consider the task of counting. Each newly counted item replaces the old value of the count.
  3. Remembering: Agents oftentimes need to remember an external situation or stimulus, even when that perception is no longer available.
  4. Avoiding Expensive Computations: In some situations, an agent may have the information needed to derive some belief in a new world state but the expense of performing the necessary computation makes this derivation undesirable. For example, in dynamic, complex domains, determining when to make an expensive calculation is often formulated as an explicit agent task.

When remembering or avoiding an expensive computation, the agent/designer is making a commitment to retain something even though it might not be supported in the current context. These WMEs should be asserted in the top state. For many Soar systems, especially those focused on execution in a dynamic environment, most o-supported elements will need to be stored on the top state.

For any kind of local, non-monotonic reasoning about the context (counting, projection planning), features should be stored locally. When a dependent context change occurs, the GDS interrupts the processing by removing the state. While this may seem like a severe over-reaction, formal and empirical analysis have suggested that this solution is less computationally expensive than attempting to identify the specific dependent assumption.


  • [1]: In this blocks-world task, the table always has room for another block, so it is represented as always being "clear".
  • [2]: In order to allow these links to have some substructure, the attribute name may be an identifier, which means that the attribute may itself have attributes and values, as specified by additional working memory elements.
  • [3]: The original state is the "top" of the stack because as Soar runs, this state (created first), will be at the top of the computer screen, and substates will appear on the screen below the top-level state.
  • [4]: Technically, an i-supported WME is only retracted when it loses instantiation support, not when the creating production is retracting. For example, a WME could receive i-support from several different instantiated productions and the retraction of only one would not lead to the retraction of the WME. justification. If such a result loses i-support from the justification, it will be retracted if there is no other support.
  • [5]: In the past, Soar had various experimental support mode settings. Since version 9.6, the support mode used is what was previously called mode 4. with rule syntax (explained in Chapter 3) may wish to skip this section and return at a later point.
  • [6]: Robert E. Wray. Ensuring Reasoning Consistency in Hierarchical Architectures. PhD thesis, University of Michigan, 1998.
  • [7]: This subsection will primarily use "state," not "goal." While these terms are often used nearly-interchangeably in the context of Soar, states refer to the set of WMEs comprising knowledge related to a peculiar level of goal. TheGoalDependency Set is the set of state elements upon which a goal depends.