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SML Output Link Guide

General Advice: Read the output link after the agent's output phase but before the next decision cycle's input phase.

This is usually accomplished by registering for an event that fires in this range and reading the output link in there.

Exercise care if you save commands (or other working memory elements on the output-link) to use later and return control back to Soar.

Working memory elements can be removed by the Soar agent and freed by SML. Referring to them (to add, say ^status complete) will cause a segmentation fault.

Be careful not to dereference working memory elements you have disconnected with DestroyWME.

Destroyed pointers are freed by SML and will cause a segmentation fault if used.

Events During Which Output May Be Read

Recommended: Register for the Update event smlEVENT_AFTER_ALL_OUTPUT_PHASES.

Run Events (agent-specific; register using Agent::RegisterForRunEvent):

  • smlEVENT_AFTER_OUTPUT_PHASE # All three of these are essentially equivalent

Update Events (register using Kernel::RegisterForUpdateEvent):

  • smlEVENT_AFTER_ALL_OUTPUT_PHASES # Fires after all agents' output phases are done
  • smlEVENT_AFTER_ALL_GENERATED_OUTPUT # Fires as above but only after all agents also have output or reached max-nil-output-cycles

There are a number of different ways to read information from the output link, each with pros and cons. Choose whichever method seems easiest to you.

Examine In Detail

  • Use GetOutputLink, GetNumberChildren, GetChild, and other similar methods to examine working memory in its raw state.
  • Can't use IsJustAdded and AreChildrenModified - these require SetTrackOutputLinkChanges true


  • Most flexible.
  • Can disable change tracking Agent::SetTrackOutputLinkChanges(false)


  • Most verbose.

Command Interface

Use Commands, GetCommand, and GetParamValue to get top level WMEs that have been added since the last cycle.

This method is closest to the original SGIO and should be sufficient for most cases. "Commands" used in this context refer to identifier WMEs on the top-level of the output link. "Parameters" refer to valued attributes that are children of a top-level command (identifier).


  • Easiest.


  • Do not save identifiers and return control back to Soar - they could be deleted.
  • Not good for commands that span multiple decision cycles, retained so that ^status complete can be added.
  • Must follow "command" format: top level identifier.
# "Command" format
<s> ^io.output-link <ol>
<ol> ^move <c>            # Command name "move"
<c> ^direction north      # Parameter "direction"

# Not "Command" format
<s> ^io.output-link <ol>
<ol> ^move north

Changes Interface

Use GetNumberOutputLinkChanges, GetOutputLinkChange, and IsOutputLinkChangeAdd to get the list of all WMEs added and removed since the last decision cycle.

All WMEs count as an output link change.


  • Full access to output link.
  • Output link removals can be detected using IsOutputLinkChangeAdd() == false
  • Great for commands that can span multiple decision cycles because of removal notification.


  • Need to parse changes to figure out what's attached to what.
# This structure:
<s> ^io.output-link <ol>
<ol> ^move <c>            # Command name "move"
<c> ^direction north      # Parameter "direction"

# ... generates these two separate changes:
(I3 ^move M1)
(M1 ^direction north)

Output Handler

Use AddOutputHandler to register functions that are called when a specific attributes are added to the output link.

Here you specify specific attributes that fire events when added.


  • Other update events do not need to be registered (such as smlEVENT_AFTER_ALL_OUTPUT_PHASES)
  • Event handling model, can be very clear.


  • Full command set needs to be known before hand (only get events when identifiers with registered attributes are added to the output link).
  • Do not save identifiers and return control back to Soar--they could be deleted.
  • Not good for commands that span multiple decision cycles, retained so that ^status complete can be added.
  • Must follow "command" format: top level identifier. See Command Interface above.

IO Without Event Handlers

Not recommended. Reading the output link without event registration is possible. Generalized steps for this are:

  1. Set the stop phase to before-input.
  2. Call RunTillOutput or Run (one step only - multiple steps will lose tracked changes).
  3. Read the output link.