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40th Soar Workshop

June 4th-5th, 2020

Held virtually via Zoom due to COVID-19

YouTube Playlist


Duration Title Presenter Links
25 min Introduction to Soar John Laird video
30 min Learning Tasks with Diverse Action Types Aaron Mininger video
20 min James Kirk Learning Task Definitions video
10 min Jule Schatz Learning Causal Relationships video
15 min Charles Newton Transformers in Soar video
20 min Peter Lindes Progress in Language Comprehension video
20 min Peter Lindes Explorations with Attention and SA video
20 min Bryan Stearns Soar Model of Human Learning and Transfer video
20 min Bryan Stearns Soar PSCM as Model of Neural Task Sets video
20 min Lizzie Goeddel Moving Forward with Motion Planning for Soar video
20 min Steven Jones Mechanisms for Event Cognition video
20 min Ion Juvina Empirical Guidance for Computational Models of Interactive Learning video
15 min Bob Marinier JSoar 4 x Update video
20 min Bob Marinier Soar LSP Cross Editor Soar Support video
20 min Michael van Lent Soar Tech Update video
45 min Discussion video