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37th Soar Workshop

June 5th-9th, 2017

3270 Beyster Building, North Campus, University of Michigan

Participant group photo in front of Beyster building, 2017
Participant group photo in front of Beyster building, 2017
Participant group photo in front of Beyster building with arms raised (making waves), 2017
Participant group photo in front of Beyster building with arms raised (making waves), 2017


Duration Presenter Title links
20 John Laird Learning Fast and Slow slides
20 James Kirk Learning the Problem Space from Primitives slides
20 Aaron Mininger Extending Task Learning in Rosie slides
20 Peter Lindes Language Comprehension in Rosie slides
15 Preeti Ramaraj How can Rosie tell me what it can do for me? slides
15 Lauren Naylor Introducing Ethical Constraints into a Soar Agent slides
15 Lizzie Mamantov ROSie: A new robotic platform for the Rosie project slides
10 Mohamed El Banani {Human, Soar} in the loop: Visual guidance through reasoning slides
15 Jacob Crossman Coordinating UGV Movement with Human Teams using Soar
Simulation-based behavior video
SquadMATE overview video
slides missing
15 Bob Wray Turning Level Design Concepts into Adaptive Plans slides
15 Arthur Wandzel Symbols for Hierarchical Robot Planning slides
20 Jacob Crossman An Introduction to New Goal System 4 slides
15 Timothy Saucer New Goal System 4 demo with Tank Soar slides
30 Mazin Assanie Soar 9.6.0 slides
20 Steven Jones Spreading Activation with Edge Weights slides
20 Jule Schatz Word Association with Semantic Memory slides
20 Bryan Stearns Applying Primitive Elements Theory for Procedural Transfer in Soar slides
15 Steven Jones Episodic Memory Consolidation slides
15 Bob Wray Learning to Soar slides
20 John Laird A Standard Model of the Mind slides
20 John Sustersic MANTA Cognitive Autonomy Update slides missing