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36th Soar Workshop

June 6th-10th, 2016

3270 Beyster Building, North Campus, University of Michigan

Participant group photo in front of Beyster building with arms raised (making waves), 2016
Participant group photo in front of Beyster building with arms raised (making waves), 2016


Presenter Affiliation Duration Title links
Mazin Assanie University of Michigan 20 Improving Dynamic Procedural Knowledge Learning slides
Mazin Assanie University of Michigan 15 Explaining the Learner slides
Mazin Assanie University of Michigan 5 Visualizing Soar slides
Mazin Assanie University of Michigan 5 Soar 9.5.1 Release Overview slides
Mitchell Bloch University of Michigan 20 Automatic Value Function Refinement & Unrefinement for Relational Reinforcement Learning slides
Mohamed Elbanani University of Michigan 15 Perception, Attention and Problem Solving on the Block Design Task slides
Scott Hanford Penn State University Applied Research Lab 15 Managing Competing Objectives in Soar slides
Sara Jamshidi Penn State University Applied Research Lab Creating and Combining Neural Networks slides
Steven Jones University of Michigan 20 Spreading Activation in Soar - An Update slides
Jong-Wook Kim Dong-A University 20 Introduction of Artificial Moral Agent Incorporating Soar and Global Optimization Methods slides
James Kirk University of Michigan 20 Learning General and Efficient Representations of Novel Games Through Interactive Instruction slides
John Laird University of Michigan 20 Interactive Task Learning: Language Processing for Rosie slides
Scott Lathrop Soar Technology, Inc. 20 Trustworthy Autonomy slides
Daniel Lugo Air Force Institute of Technology 15 Development of agents to be used in military simulations slides
Bob Marinier Soar Technology, Inc. 20 Soar IDE 2.0 slides
Aaron Mininger University of Michigan 20 Interactively Learning Strategies for Handling References to Unseen or Unknown Objects slides
Aaron Mininger University of Michigan 15 Extending Rosie to a Mobile Robot slides
Aaron Mininger University of Michigan 15 SVS Discussion slides
Denise Nicholson Soar Technology, Inc. 20 Use of SOAR for Modeling Cyber Operations slides
Andrew Nuxoll University of Portland 20 Learning from Bare Bones with Episodic Memory slides
Preeti Ramaraj University of Michigan 5 Understanding agent knowledge through conversation slides
Bryan Stearns University of Michigan 15 Modeling Primitive Skill Elements in Soar slides
John Sustersic Penn State University 20 Multi-Agent Architecture for Natural and Trusted Autonomy (MANTA) slides missing
Michael van Lent Soar Technology, Inc. 15 SoarTech Update slides
Alex Yahja University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 15 Soaring Network Reticulation slides