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35th Soar Workshop

June 1st-5th, 2015

3270 Beyster Building, North Campus, University of Michigan

Participant group photo in front of Beyster building with arms raised (making waves), 2015
Participant group photo in front of Beyster building with arms raised (making waves), 2015


Thursday, June 4th

Presenter Duration Title Links
Steven Jones 15 Spreading Activation in Soar slides
Jay Ricco 15 The Efficiency of Contextualized Long Term Memory through Spreading Activation slides
Justin Li 10 Spontaneous Retrieval for Prospective Memory slides
Nate Derbinsky 20 Mining Episodic Memory slides
Michell Bloch 15 Relational Blocks World Experiments in Carli slides
Michell Bloch 20 Supporting GQ(λ) for Reinforcement Learning in Soar slides
Alex Turner 20 Liar's Dice 2.0 slides
Deryle Lonsdale 15 Update from the Y slides
John Laird 15 Update on Natural Language Understanding for Rosie slides
James Kirk 15 Extending Interactive Task Learning with one-shot Goal demonstrations slides
Shiwali Mohan 15 Intelligent Agents for Health-behavior Change slides
Pedro Marcal 15 Automatic conversion of Text to Expert System Rules slides

Friday, June 5th

Presenter Duration Title Links
Bob Marinier 15 Soar Programmer's Guide slides
Bob Marinier 30 JSoar Update 2015 slides
Bob Marinier 20 Soar IDE Update slides
Mazin Assanie 20 Explanation-Based Chunking slides
Mike van Lent 20 Soar Technology Company Update slides
Scott Hanford 15 Soar and unmanned vehicles slides
Lizzie Mamantov 15 Top-down influence for motor behavior slides
Aaron Mininger 20 Going Mobile: The Future of the Rosie Project slides
John Sustersic 10 Cognitive Autonomy using Soar slides
Ucheoma Ukah 20 Non-linear decision making for role based autonomy slides
Ben Bachelor 25 Soar Tech Snackbot slides


First Last Affiliation
Peter Lindes University of Michigan
Jose Nazario Soar Technology
Paul Young University of Michigan
Andrew Dunn University of Michigan
Matthew Cover University of Michigan
Shiwali Mohan University of Michigan
Mazin Assanie University of Michigan
Benjamin Bachelor Soar Technology
Bob Bechtel Soar Technology, Inc.
Mitchell Bloch University of Michigan
Kaley Chicoine Penn State Applied Research Lab
Roger Cote Lexoris Learning (private corporation)
Jacob Crossman Soar Technology
Dave Daniszewski US Army TARDEC
Nate Derbinsky Wentworth Institute of Technology
Anthony Deschamps Soar Technology
Andrew Dunn Department of Defense
Christopher Fedor Pennsylvania State University
Timothy Forbes NGC
Hassen Gharbi Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Carnegie Mellon University
Rob Goeddel UofM April Lab
James Grimplin Northrop Grumman
Scott Hanford Penn State Applied Research Lab
Marilyn Jarriel Northrop Grumman
Steven Jones University of Michigan - Computer Science and Engineering
Chris Kawatsu SoarTech
James Kirk University of Michigan
John Laird University of Michigan
Justin Li University of Michigan
Deryle Lonsdale Brigham Young University
Lizzie Mamantov Michigan
Jeremy Mange TARDEC
Pedro marcal MPACT Corp.
Bob Marinier SoarTech
Aaron Mininger University of Michigan
Shiwali Mohan Palo Alto Research Center
Denise Nicholson Soar Technology
Ryan O'Grady Soar Technology Inc.
Sara Pace TARDEC
Jay Ricco
Dylan Schmorrow Soar Technology, Inc.
Andrew Smith
Bryan Stearns University of Michigan
John Sustersic Penn State University
Adam Sypniewski Soar Technology, Inc.
Michael Sypniewski University of Michigan
Glenn Taylor SoarTech
Robert Thome Pennsylvania State Applied Research Lab
Alex Turner University of Michigan
Ucheoma Ukah
Mike van Lent SoarTech
Ryan Wails Applied Research Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University
Arthur Wandzel University of Michigan
Bethany Young
Paul Young US Navy