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34th Soar Workshop

June 16th-20th, 2014

3270 Beyster Building, North Campus, University of Michigan

Participant group photo in front of Beyster building, 2014
Participant group photo in front of Beyster building, 2014
Participant group photo in front of Beyster building with arms raised (making waves), 2014
Participant group photo in front of Beyster building with arms raised (making waves), 2014


Wednesday, June 18th

Presenter Duration Title Links
Mazin Assanie 15 2014 Soar Releases slides
Aaron Mininger 15 Soar Visual System Release slides
Bob Marinier 10 JSoar Update slides
Mazin Assanie 20 Generalized Chunking slides
John Laird 15 Interactive Task Learning as an AI Research Problem slides
Shiwali Mohan 20 Learning Hierarchical Tasks from Situated Interactive Instruction slides
James Kirk 20 Learning Tasks through Situated Interactive Instruction slides
Mike van Lent 15 Dynamic Tailoring for Teaching Social Skills slides
Mikhail Jacob 15 Viewpoints AI - Improvisational Dance / Contemporary Movement AI slides
Mikhail Jacob 15 Computational Representations of Pretend Play slides
Alex Turner 15 Michigan Liar's Dice slides
Nate Derbinsky 15 The Boundary Forest Algorithm for Fast Online Learning of High-Dimensional Data slides
Scott Hanford 15 Autonomous Mission Management for UUVs slides
Aaron Mininger 20 Using Top-Down Knowledge in Soar to Maintain Object Identity slides
Jesse Frost 15 Perceptual Hierachical Grouping using Soar slides
Mike van Lent 15 Soar Tech Overview slides

Thursday, June 19th

Duration Presenter Title Links
15 Jesse Frost The Street Engine: A Hardware Architecture for Parallel Production Systems slides
30 Mitchell Bloch Rete for Relational Reinforcement Learning slides
20 Justin Li Tradeoffs Between Procedural and Preemptive Strategies for Goal Reactivation slides
20 Peter Lindes Soar and Construction Grammar slides
20 John Laird A Construction Grammar Parser in Soar slides
15 Justin Li Retracing the Rational Analysis of Memory slides
15 Alex Nickels Extending Semantic Memory with Math Queries slides
20 Steven Jones Activation Current and Future Work slides
10 Steven Jones SMem debugging commands slides
20 Jesse Frost Realising Soar Long Term Memory in Hardware slides
25 Group SMEM Discussion slides

Friday, June 20th

Duration Presenter Title Links
15 Andrew Nuxoll Efficient Episode Recall and Consolidation slides
15 Jesse Frost Episodic Memory Search as a Constraint Satisfaction Problem slides
15 Bob Marinier Planned Extensions to Episodic Memory slides
30 Group Episodic Memory Discussion slides
15 Randy Jones A Modular Soar Agent for a Naval Decision-Making Simulation slides
15 Van Parunak SC2RAM: A Deployable Cognitive Model of a Cyber-Attacker slides
20 Randy Jones Design Patterns for Balancing Behavior Responsiveness slides
10 Jacob Crossman Preliminary look at comparing Soar to other modeling methods in TankSoar slides


Name Affiliation
Aaron Mininger University of Michigan
Adam Sypniewski Soar Technology Inc.
Alex Nickles Soar Technology Inc.
Alex Turner Soar Group/University of Michigan
Andrew Nuxoll University of Portland
Arthur Wandzel University of Michigan
Ben Bachelor Soar Technology Inc.
Bob Marinier Soar Technology Inc.
Brad Norris General Dynamics C4 Systems
Braden Phillips University of Adelaide
Brian Stensrud
Deryle Lonsdale Brigham Young University
Dylan Schmorrow Soar Technology
Farhad Mofidi
Hira Khan
Jack Zaientz Soar Technology Inc.
Jacob Crossman Soar Technology Inc.
James Kirk University of Michigan
Jay Hiserote Synopsys Inc.
Jesse Frost University of Adelaide
John Laird University of Michigan
John Sauter Soar Technology Inc.
John Sustersic The Pennslyvania State University
Justin Li University of Michigan
Justin Storms University of Michigan
Marc Huber
Mark Rothgeb Penn State Applied Research Lab
Mazin Assanie University of Michigan
Michael Horta U.S. Navy
Mike van Lent Soar Technology Inc.
Mikhail Jacob Georgia Institute of Technology
Mitchell Bloch University of Michigan - Soar Group
Nate Derbinsky Disney Research, Boston
Patrick DeHaan Soar Technology Inc.
Peng Wang
Peter Lindes Brigham Young University
Randolph Jones Soar Technology
Roger Cote Corporate Lexoris Learning
Ryan O'Grady Soar Technology Inc.
Scott Hanford Penn State Applied Research Lab
Sharad Sundararajan
Shiwali Mohan University of Michigan
Shreya Amin
Steven Jones University of Michigan CSE
Van Parunak Soar Technology, Inc.