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32nd Soar Workshop

June 18th-22nd, 2012

3270 Beyster Building, North Campus, University of Michigan

Room 1670

Participant group photo in front of Beyster building with arms raised (making waves), 2012
Participant group photo in front of Beyster building with arms raised (making waves), 2012


Wednesday, June 20th

Time Duration Presenter Title Links
8:30-9:00 30 Registration, Bagels, Juice, and Coffee
9:00-10:15 75
15 Introductions
20 John Laird Selection Space pdf, ppt
20 John Laird Using Background Knowledge in RL pdf, ppt
20 Mitchell Bloch Tie Impasses for Numeric Preferences pdf
10:15-10:45 30 Break
10:45-12:00 75
20 Nate Derbinsky Competence-Preserving Retention of Learned Knowledge in Soar Memories pdf, ppt
20 Nate Derbinsky Multi-Domain Evaluation of Scaling in Soar's Episodic Memory pdf, ppt
20 Justin Li Functional Interactions between Memory and Recognition Judgments pdf
15 Nate Derbinsky Next Steps in Memory Research pdf, ppt
12:00-1:30 90 Lunch
1:30-3:05 95
15 Joseph Xu Soar 9.3.2 and Changes to the Soar Compilation Process pdf, ppt
15 Johnicholas Hines Delimited Continuations in Soar pdf, ppt
15 Joseph Xu How to use the new Soar Visual System (SVS) pdf, ppt
20 Keegan Kinkade Soar Robot Unleashed pdf
30 Joseph Xu Learning Relational and Continuous Action Models pdf, ppt
3:05-3:35 30 Break
3:35-4:30 55
15 Mike van Lent SoarTech Overview slides missing
10 Mike van Lent Soar in DARPA's SSIM program slides missing
10 Mike van Lent Would you trust a Soar agent with your life? slides missing
30 Discussion
6:30-8:30 120 Pizza House, 618 Church Street

Thursday, June 21st

Time Duration Presenter Title Links
8:30-9:00 30 Bagels, Juice, and Coffee
9:00-10:20 80
15 John Laird Overview of BOLT (Grounded Language Acquisition) pdf
15 Robert Goeddel "Kinecting" the Dots: How Bolt Sees the World pdf
20 Sam Wintermute Leveraging Cognitive Context for Language Processing in Soar pdf, ppt
15 Shiwali Mohan Mixed Initiative Interaction for Learning pdf
15 Aaron Mininger Learning Nouns and Adjectives in Bolt pdf
10:20-10:50 30 Break
10:50-12:00 70
15 James Kirk Learning Prepositions for Spatial Relations in BOLT pdf, ppt
15 Shiwali Mohan Situated Comprehension of Verb Commands pdf
15 Shiwali Mohan Learning new Actions with Retrospective Projection pdf
25 Discussion
12:00-1:30 90 Lunch
1:30-3:00 90
15 Deryle Lonsdale XNL-Soar: Where we are and where we're headed pdf, ppt
5 Nathan Glenn Japanese and Optimality Theory pdf, ppt
15 John Hale Rational Parsing pdf
20 Rick Lewis Language Processing as Bounded Optimal Control of Memory, Perception pdf
15 Glenn Taylor Natural Human-Robot Interaction slides missing
20 Discussion
3:00-3:30 30 Break
3:30-4:30 60
15 Randy Jones Interpreted Declarative Representations of Task Knowledge pdf, ppt
15 Randy Jones Achieving parsimony between NGS and the Michigan approach pdf, ppt
30 Discussion
7:30-9:00 150 Demos Soar Technology, Green Road