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30th Soar Workshop

June, 2010

Ann Arbor, MI

Presenters Title Links
Sean A. Bittle, Mark S. Fox Transfer Learning of Search Heuristics for Constraint Satisfaction slides
Mitchell Keith Bloch MAXQ HRL in Soar slides
Olivier L. Georgeon, Frank E. Ritter Self-Motivated Hierarchical Sequence Learning slides
Nicholas Gorski, John Laird An Empirical Exploration of Learning to Use Memory slides
Isaiah Hines Integrating Soar with Unreal 3 slides
Johnicholas Hines Towards Rogue-Soar: Combining Soar, Curses and Micropather slides
William G. Kennedy Cognitive Architecture Lite for Social Simulation slides
John E. Laird A Unified Approach to Diverse Forms of Action Modeling slides
John E. Laird Soar Tutorial: Building Intelligent Agents Using Soar slides
John E. Laird How to Build a Soar Agent slides
Margaux Lhommet Soar – First impressions slides
Justin Li Learning Subgoals in Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning slides
Brian Magerko Fuzzy Improvisational Agents slides
Shiwali Mohan, John E. Laird Reinforcement Learning in Infinite Mario slides
Shiwali Mohan Learning Background Knowledge through Instruction slides
Paul Rosenbloom A Graphical Memory Architecture slides
Bryan Smith Representing Ontologies and Reasoning with SMem slides
Katherine Tyrol A Cognitive Science Model of Playing Ms. Pac-Man slides
Mike Van Lent SoarTech Update slides
Jonathan Voigt Soar 9.3 slides
Jonathan Voigt Sproom: Splinter Soar Room Environment slides
Yongjia Wang Value Function Approximation with Hierarchical Clustering in Soar-RL slides
Yongjia Wang Learning Functional Categories with Soar-RL slides
Sam Wintermute Using Imagery to Simplify Perceptual Abstraction in Reinforcement Learning Agents slides
Bob Wray Using Soar to Create Individualized Learning Experiences slides