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29th Soar Workshop

June 22-26, 2009

Ann Arbor, MI

Participant group photo
Participant group photo
Presenter Title Links
Wesley Kerr Language Learning in Wubble World slides
Jeremiah McGhee Update on Soar 9 and Sentence Processing slides
Thomas Mielke MindModeling@Home: A Computing Resource for Cognitive Modeling slides
John Laird Overview of Michigan Soar Research slides
Jonathan Voigt Soar on Splinter slides
Mark Yong Interfacing Soar to a Robot slides
Sam Wintermute Using Imagery to Simplify Perception slides
Mitchell Bloch Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning in the Taxicab Domain slides
Shiwali Mohan Learning to play Mario slides
Nate Derbinsky Efficiently Implementing Episodic Memory slides
Nick Gorski Learning to Use Episodic Memory slides
Joseph Xu Instance Based Model Learning slides
Ningxuan Wang EDEE: A New Environment for Soar slides
Olivier Georgeon A Soar model of Bottom-Up Learning from Activity slides
Randy Jones Learning New Air Combat Tactics with Cascade slides
Nate Derbinsky Soar-SMem: A Public Pilot slides
Yongjia Wang Integration of Concept Memory and Probabilistic Category Learning slides
Bob Marinier Deriving Appraisals from Sequence and Causal Concept Networks slides
Mike van Lent Soar Tech Update slides
Brian Stensrud Adaptive Tailoring of Student Learning: Notes on a Soar Approach slides
Brian Magerko Empirical Findings from a Study of Cognition and Improvisation slides
Dave Ray JSoar: A Pure Java Implementation of Soar slides
Nate Derbinsky iSoar slides
Jonathan Voigt Soar 9.0.1 slides
John Laird Millions of Rules, Billions of Decisions slides
Bob Marinier Thoughts on the Future of HLSR slides
Sean Bittle Constrained Heuristic Search in the Soar Cognitive Architecture slides
Bob Wray The Need for Architecture Simulation slides
Paul Rosenbloom Graphical Models for Cognitive Architecture slides
John Laird Limited Parallel Operators for Soar slides
Sam Wintermute Augmenting Soar with Non-Symbolic Processing via the IO Link slides
Discussion Topic Notes slides