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27th Soar Workshop

May 21-25, 2007

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Participant group photo
Participant group photo


Tuesday, May 22

Time Duration Presenter Topic
6:30pm 120 SoarTech Pizza House

Wednesday, May 23

Time Duration Presenter Title Links
8:00-9:00 60 Registration and Bagels
9:00-10:15 75 Cognitive Architecture
15 John Laird Introductions
10 Keith Knudsen Survey Introduction and Distribution slides
30 John Laird Soar Nuggets slides
20 Robert Wray Metrics for Evaluating Cognitive Achitecture slides
10:15-10:45 30 Break
10:45-12:00 75 Cognitive Architecture
15 Jacob Crossman Aspects and Soar: A Behavior Development Model slides
20 Randolph Jones A Comparison of Modeling Idioms in ACT-R and Soar slides
30 Jacob Crossman Performance of Goal Management Techniques slides
10 Discussion
12:00-1:15 75 Lunch
1:15-2:55 100 Extensions & Applications
20 Sam Wintermute The SRS Spatial Reasoning System slides
20 Unmesh Kurup Modeling Memories of Large-scale Space slides
20 Scott Lathrop Visual Imagery slides
20 Brian Stensrud Automated Air Traffic Control slides
20 Nicholas Gorski Transfer Learning Experiments with Soar & the UCT slides
2:55-3:25 30 Break
3:25-5:00 95 Stories and Serious Games
20 Ben Medler Scribe: A Tool for Authoring Story-Level Goals slides
15 Brian Stensrud ISAT (Intelligent Story Architecture for Training) slides
60 Michael van Lent Serious Game AI vs. Game AI slides

Thursday, May 24

Time Duration Presenter Title Links
9:00-10:15 75 Soar Kernel and Tools
10 Doug Pearson Removing gSKI from kernel slides
45 Keith Knudsen Soar IDE slides
5 Jon Voigt New Experimental Environment slides
15 Kate Harding Soar Tech Update slides
10:15-10:45 30 Break
10:45-12:00 75 Alternative Architectures
20 Doug Pearson STORM Framework slides
20 Nicholas Gorski An Example Architecture Using the Storm Framework slides
30 Bob Marinier SESAME & Soar: A Comparison slides
5 Discussion
12:00-1:15 75 Lunch
1:15-2:45 90 Learning
20 Andrew Nuxoll Episodic Memory and Cognitive Capabilities slides
20 Yongjia Wang Action History in Decision Making and RL slides
15 Yongjia Wang Hierarchical Clustering and Reinforcement learning slides
15 Joseph Xu Transfer Learning using Soar slides
20 Bill Kennedy Cognitive Science and Long-term Symbolic Learning slides
2:45-3:15 30 Break
3:15-5:00 105 Cognitive Modeling
20 Bob Marinier Feeling as Intrinsic Reward slides
30 Michael Quist Toward a Hybrid Cultural Cognitive Architecture slides
10 Deryle Lonsdale Update on NL-Soar and XNL-Soar slides
15 Keith Knudsen Survey Results
30 John Laird Cognitive Architecture Challenge Problems slides
6:30-9:00 Dinner