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26th Soar Workshop

MAY 22-26, 2006

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Original announcement page

Participant group photo
Participant group photo


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Time Duration Presenter Title Links
8:00-9:00 60 Registration and Bagels
9:00-10:15 75 Cognitive Modeling
15 John Laird Introductions
30 Bob Marinier Unifying Cognitive Functions and Emotional Appraisal slides
15 Deryle Lonsdale Update on Soar-based language processing slides
10:15-10:45 30 Break
10:45-12:00 75 Learning and Memory
15 Andrew Nuxoll Steps toward a Domain Independent Episodic Memory slides
15 Yongjia Wang Integrating Semantic Memory in Soar slides
15 Shelley Nason Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning in Soar slides
15 Nick Gorski Methods for Transfer Learning Using Soar slides
15 Discussion
12:00-1:15 75 Lunch
1:15-2:45 90 Learning and Advanced Capabilities
5 David Ray Soar Technology Community Liaison slides
5 Alan Vayda Self Introduction slides
5 Jong Kim Soar FAQ slides
15 Elyon DeKoven Participatory scenario design and simulation on the ICF testbed slides
30 Joseph Xu ORTS: A Case Study of Multi-Tasking in Soar slides
15 Sam Wintermute Visual Attention for a Real-Time Strategy Game Game slides
15 Discussion
2:45-3:15 30 Break
3:15-5:00 105 Advanced Capabilities
30 Scott Lathrop Incorporating Visual Imagery into a Cognitive Architecture slides
30 Jonathan Beard Spatial & Temporal Reasoning (SPAT-R) slides
25 Brian Magerko Player Modeling in IDA slides
20 Discussion

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Time Duration Presenter Title Links
9:00-10:15 75 Applications
20 Brian Magerko Interactive Storytelling Architecture for Training slides
15 Jim Rosbe Soar Technology Update slides
25 Brian Stensrud IF-Soar: An Autonomous Fire Direction Center slides
15 Jonathan T. Beard Joint Fires & Effects Training System slides
10:15-10:45 30 Break
10:45-12:00 75 Soar Architecture
15 John Laird A Proposal For Changing Soar’s Decision Procedure slides
45 Douglas Pearson What’s New in Soar 8.6.2 slides
15 Discussion
12:00-1:15 75 Lunch
1:15-2:45 90 Soar from an AI perspective
15 Scott Wallace S-Assess: Self-Assessment with Soar slides
15 Robert Wray Relevance Estimation for Evidence Marshalling slides
30 Randolph Jones HLSR: Compiling to Soar slides
15 Robert Wray Modularity in Soar-based Applications slides
15 Jacob Crossman SoarML: A Graphical Modeling Language for Agents slides
2:45-3:15 30 Break
3:15-4:30 75 Control and Architecture
15 John Laird Pyramid Problems in Soar & ACT-R slides
15 Rick Lewis Control and Metacognition: A View from EPIC, Soar and ACT-R slides
30 Rick Lewis Cognitive Constraint Modeling: An Alternative to Traditional Architectures slides
15 Discussion

Friday, May 26, 2006

Time Duration Presenter Title Links
9:00-10:15 75 Brain inspired computation
15 John Laird BICA: Biologically-Inspired Cognitive Architecture slides
60 Rick Granger Principles of Brain Computation
10:15-10:45 30 Break
10:45-12:00 75 Brain inspired computation
15 Lee Newman Clusters, Symbols and Cortical Topography slides
15 Yongjia Wang Integrating Clustering and Semantic Memory in Soar slides
30 Thad Polk Biologically-Inspired Control in Problem Solving slides
15 Discussion