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24th Soar Workshop

June 7-11, 2004

Ann Arbor, MI

Original announcement page

Participant group photo
Participant group photo


Tuesday, June 8th

6:30pm PIZZA HOUSE Social Gathering and Slide Collection

Wednesday, June 9th

Time Duration Presenter Title Links
8:00-9:00 60 Registration Registration and Bagels
9:00-10:15 75 Infrastructure
15 John Laird Welcome
5 Mark Cohen An Update on the Soar FAQ slides
10 Jon Voigt Soar Bugzilla slides
30 Jens Wesling gSKI/TgDI slides
15 Bob Marinier AsmL Soar Specification slides
10:15-10:45 30 Break Break
10:45-12:00 75 Tools
15 Andrew Nuxoll Visual Soar Update slides
5 Timothy Jasko Eclipse-Soar Plugin
10 Mazin Assanie TSDebugger
15 Doug Pearson Java Soar Debugger slides
10 Jon Voigt Soar 8.5.1 & 8.6 Releases slides
20 Laird & Rosbe Soar Consortium: Soar Support post-8.6
12:00-1:00 60 Lunch Lunch
1:00-2:45 105 Tools & Applications
25 Tolga Konik Inspecting Recorded Behavior History slides
15 Paul Brobst Tactical AI, Soar, and Full Spectrum Command slides
15 Ramesh Saran Terrain Representation in "Full Spectrum Command"
25 Phill Smith Soar Agents for Unmanned Air & Ground Vehicles slides
25 Syed Enam-ur-Rehman Auto-Mate: A Framework for Process Automation slides
2:45-3:15 30 Break Break
3:15-5:00 105 Applications
15 Randy Jones Knowledge-intensive Soar agents in Defense M&S slides
60 Smith, Jones, van Lent Panel: Soar for Real Applications slides
30 Laird & Rosbe Discussion of Soar Consortium (Principles) (Procedures) Principles, Procedures

Thursday, June 10th

Time Duration Presenter Title Links
9:00-10:15 70 Architecture
25 Simon Willcox Hardware Architectures For Distributed Agents slides
30 Matthew Scarpino Soar Processing w/ Field Programmable Gate Arrays slides
15 Syed Enam-ur-Rehman DynaSoar: A High Performance Soar Architecture slides
10:15-10:45 30 Break Break
10:45-12:00 75 Architecture
15 Mike van Lent The Integrating Architecture slides
15 Bob Wray Goal Dependency Set Primer slides
15 Jacob Crossman Large LT Declarative Memory: Issues and Ideas slides
30 Sean Lisse The STGS Approach - A Forest of Goals slides
12:00-1:00 60 Lunch Lunch
1:00-2:45 105 Knowledge Specification
15 Mark Cohen Herbal: A High-Level Language & Viewer for Soar slides
30 Andrea Macklem Spec. of Cog. Models using Patterns and Conflicts slides
30 Glenn Taylor Behavior Design Patterns slides
30 Jacob Crossman A High Level Symbolic Representation slides
2:45-3:15 30 Break Break
3:15-5:00 105 Knowledge Specification
30 Douglas Pearson Redux - Rapid Model Building slides
15 Tolga Konik Update on Learning by Observation slides
60 Robert Wray Knowledge Specification Discussions
6:00-7:00 60 Dinner Dinner
7:00-8:00 60 John Anderson ACT-R

Friday, June 11th

Time Duration Presenter Title Links
9:00-10:15 75 Cognitive Modeling
25 Deryle Lonsdale Ongoing Work on Soar Linguistic Applications slides
30 Robert Marinier Soar-Emote slides
15 Syed Enam-ur-Rehman Confidence Modeling for Humanoid Decisions slides
5 Steven Solomon Ideas for Explainable AI slides
10:15-10:45 30 Break Break
10:45-12:00 75 AI Methods & Applications
15 Jonathan T. Beard Heur. Form. for Temporal-Spatial Qual. Reasoning slides
20 Soar Tech HBM Video
30 Brian Magerko Soar as a Story Director slides
15 Jim Rosbe Soar Tech update slides
12:00-1:00 60 Lunch Lunch
1:00-2:35 95 Learning
5 Bill Kennedy Continuing Studies of Long-term Learning w/ Soar slides
30 Andrew Nuxoll Episodic Memory for Soar Agents slides
30 Shelley Nason Reinforcement Learning and Soar slides
30 John Laird A Soar's Eye View of ACT-R slides
2:35-3:05 30 Break Break
3:05-4:15 70 Discussion Discussion of ACT-R and Soar