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23rd Soar Workshop

June 23rd-27th, 2003

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Participant group photo
Participant group photo


Monday, June 23rd

Begin End Presenter Title Links
9:00am 5:00pm John Laird Beginning Tutorial: ATL slides

Tuesday, June 24th

Begin End Presenter Title Links
9:00am 5:00pm John Laird Beginning Tutorial: ATL
10:00am 12:00pm Bob Mariner SGIO: Soar Technology SGIO tutorial, Quick Reference Guide
1:00pm 5:00pm Deryle Lonsdale, Mike Manookin NL-Soar: Soar Technology NL-Soar: Soar Technology
7:00pm 10:00pm Welcome: Pizza House

Wednesday, June 25th

Begin End Presenter Title Links
8:45am 9:00am John Laird Welcome slides
9:00am 9:15am John Laird Soar MOUTBot update slides
9:15am 9:30am Brad Best ACT-R applied to MOUT slides
9:30am 9:45am Michael Parent Haunt 2 Soar Bots slides
9:45am 10:00am Jon Beard Cooperative Interface Agents for Networked Command and Control slides
10:00am 10:15am Brian Magerko Incorporating User Modeling into Interactive Drama slides
10:15am 10:30am Michael van Lent Commercial Platform Training Aids slides
10:30am 11:00am Break
11:00am 12:00pm James Albus 4D/RCS Reference Model Architecture for Intelligent Vehicles slides
12:00pm 1:00pm Lunch
1:00pm 1:15pm Alex Kerfoot Soar as a High Level AI with SGIO slides
1:15pm 1:30pm John Hawkins Learning Action Models through ILP slides
1:30pm 1:45pm Tolga Konik Efficient Rule Testing in Learning by Observation slides
1:45pm 2:00pm John Laird Beyond Chunking slides
2:00pm 2:15pm Andy Nuxoll Episodic Memory for Soar slides
2:15pm 2:30pm Shelley Nason Reinforcement Learning and Soar slides
2:30pm 3:30pm Learning Discussion
3:30pm 4:00pm Break
4:00pm 4:30pm Scott Wallace Validating Agent Behavior slides
4:30pm 4:45pm Scott Wallace Soar Future Discussion Topics slides
4:45pm 5:00pm Randy Jones Radical Randy Revisited slides

Thursday, June 26th

Begin End Presenter Title Links
8:45am 9:00am Sean Lisse The Phase System: Towards Modular Encapsulation in Soar slides
9:00am 9:15am Bob Mariner Soar and Related Projects Refresh on SourceForge slides
9:15am 9:40am Doug Pearson Rapid Model Building From Diagrams and Examples slides
9:40am 9:45am Bob Wray PWRUP: Playbook & Whiteboard for Soar Development slides
9:45am 10:00am Sean Lisse DAML2Soar: An Ontology to Soar Translator slides
10:00am 10:15am Frank Ritter A Higher Level Behavior Representation Language 4 Soar slides
10:15am 10:20am Frank Ritter Soar-FAQ Reminder and New Book slides
10:20am 10:25am Glenn Taylor VISTA Update slides
10:25am 10:30am John Laird Visual Soar Update slides
10:30am 11:00am Break
11:00am 12:00pm Pat Langley ICARUS slides
12:00pm 1:00pm Lunch
1:00pm 1:15pm Brad Best ACT-R: Learning the Architecture, Debugging, and Creating slides
1:15pm 1:30pm David Ray SoarDoc: Soar Documentation Generator slides
1:30pm 2:30pm Usability Discussion #1 Survey Results, Usability 1, Capabilities
2:30pm 3:30pm Usability Discussion #2 Usability 2
2:30pm 3:30pm Usability Discussion #3 Usability 3
3:30pm 4:00pm Break
4:00pm 5:00pm Joint Discussions
5:00pm 6:00pm
6:00pm 7:00pm Dinner at Soar Tech
7:00pm 8:00pm John Laird Evolution of Soar slides
8:00pm 9:00pm Demos and Dessert

Friday, June 27th

Begin End Presenter Title Links
8:45am 9:00am Bill Kennedy Status of Long-Term Learning In Soar slides
9:00am 9:15am Aaron Cahill Autonomous Command and Control of Unmanned Vehicles slides
9:15am 9:30am Paul Benjamin Using Soar with a Mobile Robot slides
9:15am 9:45am Steve Haynes Explanation Seeking in Soar slides
9:45am 10:00am Deryle Lonsdale NL-Soar Update slides
10:00am 10:15am Mike Manookin Attachments in NL-Soar slides
10:15am 10:30am Clint Tustison LG-Soar slides
10:30am 11:00am Break
11:00am 12:00pm Jonathon Gratch Emotion Model slides
12:00pm 1:00pm Lunch
1:00pm 1:30pm Matthias Scheutz Affective Agent Architectures slides
1:30pm 1:45pm Ron Chong Pervasive Activation: Declarative and Procedural slides
1:45pm 2:00pm Ron Chong RULEX-EM: A Category Learning Model slides
2:00pm 2:15pm Bob Wray SCA Quantitative Results slides
2:15pm 2:30pm Bob Wray Variability in Human Behavior Representation slides
2:30pm 2:45pm Emma Norling Modeling Human Variability in Computer Generated Forces slides
2:45pm 3:00pm Ryan McAlinden Human Behavior Models and Unreal Tournament slides
3:00pm 3:30pm Break
3:30pm 3:45pm Jim Rosbe Update on Soar Tech slides
3:45pm 4:00pm Bob Wray Searching for a Unifying Theory of Soar