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Saves chunks, rete networks and percept streams.


-            Save Sub-Commands and Options           -
save [? | help]
save agent                           <filename>
save chunks                          <filename>
save percepts                        --open <filename>
save percepts                        [--close --flush]
save rete-network                    --save <filename>
For a detailed explanation of sub-commands:  help save

save agent

The save agent command will write all procedural and semantic memory to disk, as well as many commonly used settings. This command creates a standard .soar text file, with semantic memory stored as a series of smem --add commands.

save chunks

The save chunks command will write all chunks in memory to disk. This command creates a standard .soar text file.

save rete-network

The save rete-network command saves the current Rete net to a file. The Rete net is Soar's internal representation of production memory; the conditions of productions are reordered and common substructures are shared across different productions. This command provides a fast method of saving and loading productions since a special format is used and no parsing is necessary. Rete-net files are portable across platforms that support Soar.

Note that justifications cannot be present when saving the Rete net. Issuing a production excise -j before saving a Rete net will remove all justifications.

If the filename contains a suffix of .Z, then the file is compressed automatically when it is saved and uncompressed when it is loaded. Compressed files may not be portable to another platform if that platform does not support the same uncompress utility.

save rete-network -s <filename>

save percepts

Store all incoming input wmes in a file for reloading later. Commands are recorded decision cycle by decision cycle. Use the command load percepts to replay the sequence.

Note that this command seeds the random number generator and writes the seed to the capture file.

Option Description
filename Open filename and begin recording input.
-o, --open Writes captured input to file overwriting any existing data.
-f, --flush Writes input to file as soon as it is encountered instead of storing it in RAM and writing when capturing is turned off.
-c, --close Stop capturing input and close the file, writing captured input unless the flush option is given.
save percepts -o <filename>
save percepts -c

Default Aliases

capture-input        save percepts

See Also