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41st Soar Workshop

June 14th-15th, 2021

3270 Beyster Building, North Campus, University of Michigan

Also attended virtually via Zoom

Participant group photo (Zoom screenshot) with arms raised (making waves), 2021
Participant group photo (Zoom screenshot) with arms raised (making waves), 2021


Time Duration Presenter Title links
June 14, 2021
10:00am-12:05pm 5 John Laird Introduction slides
20 Jule Schatz Modeling the RAT as Retrievals from Semantic Memory slides
30 Bryan Stearns 20 Questions Revisited: Narrowing the Search Space for Models of Human Cognition slides
20 Peter Lindes A Model of Attention in Working Memory slides
20 Peter Lindes Ideas for Modeling Language Acquisition slides
30 Aaron C Wacker Soar and NLP for reading comprehension, strategy generation, and experience based language solutions and precision semantics for health care. slides
1:00pm-2:25pm 10 Bob Wray Introducing the Center for Integrated Cognition slides
15 Bob Wray Integrating Cognitive Architecture and Neural Generative Language Models slides
20 Bob Wray Incorporating Abstract Behavioral Constraints in the Performance of Agent Tasks slides
20 John Laird Learning from Multiple Sources of Knowledge for Atari Games slides
20 Bryan Stearns The PROPs Development Kit for Building Soar Agents slides
3:00pm-5:00pm 20 James Boggs Integrating Visual Reasoning into a Cognitive Architecture slides
20 Steven J. Jones Event Memory Mechanisms in Soar's Episodic Memory slides
20 Steven J. Jones A Simple Action Model Learning Example slides
20 Lizzie Goeddel An update on motor control through SVS slides
20 Preeti Ramaraj Building robots that help humans build better mental models of robots slides
20 Discussion
June 15, 2021 120
10:00am-12:00pm 20 Michael van Lent SoarTech Update slides
20 Michael van Lent AI for high stakes, human-in-the-loop, data-sparse problems slides
10 Randolph M Jones F-WASP Update slides
30 John Sustersic Towards a Unified Model of Deep Cognition for Autonomy slides
40 Discussion