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39th Soar Workshop

May 6th-10th, 2019

3270 Beyster Building, North Campus, University of Michigan

Duration Presenter Title links
20 Mitchell Bloch ConcRete Road slides
15 James Boggs Cozmo Soar Interface slides
5 Nate Derbinsky Design-ReSOARpe: A Challenge Problem slides
5 Anthony Deschamps Soar Language Server slides
20 Randolph Jones (Still Trying To) Learn To Soar slides
15 Steven Jones Event Memory from Psychology slides
15 Steven Jones Event Memory in Soar slides
20 James Kirk Ambiguity and Knowledge Transfer in Interactive Task Learning slides
20 James Kirk ITL Game archive slides
20 John Laird Taxonomy of Learning and Performance Integration slides
15 Peter Lindes Analysis of Lucia: A Cognitive Model of Language Comprehension slides
15 Peter Lindes Lucia and the Brain: The Lucia Model Compared to Brain Data slides
20 Lizzie Mamantov MAST: A motion planning strategy for Soar and friends slides
20 Aaron Mininger New Task Learning Capabilities in Rosie slides
20 Preeti Ramaraj Exploring Transparency Mechanisms for Identification of Interaction Failures in HRI slides
20 Tim Saucer Taking Soar to the OpenAI Gym slides
15 Jule Schatz An Architectural Approach to Modeling the Remote Associates Test slides
15 Jule Schatz Learning to Play Atari Like Games slides
20 Bryan Stearns Separating Goal Structure from Proposal Rules slides
20 Bryan Stearns Cognitive Model Timing: Retrievals vs Reasoning slides
15 Michael van Lent SoarTech Update slides