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22nd North American Soar Workshop

May 30th-June 2nd, 2002

Ann Arbor, MI

Hosted by the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of The University of Michigan and Soar Technology, Inc.

Author Index

Presenter Title Links
Assanie, Mazin Directable Synthetic Characters slides
Beard, Jonathan Error Detection and Diagnosis in Soar Agents slides
Beisaw, James General, Maintainable, Extensible Communications slides
Councill, Isaac An integrated toolset for creating agents that explain themselves slides
Crossman, Jacob Meta Programming in Soar slides
Harleton, Brian Current and Future Enhancements to Visual Soar slides
Hawkins, John Learning Action Models from Soar Experience Traces slides
James, Mike Modeling working memory decay in Soar slides
Jones, Randy An analytical framework for agent architectures slides
Jones, Randy Interfacing Emotional Behavior Moderators with Intelligent Synthetic Forces slides
Jones, Randy An impasse-driven model of a new result on learning in problem solving slides
Kalus, Tony Soar Modelling of Confrontational Analysis slides
Kennedy, Bill Long-term Learning in Soar slides
Kiessel, Jennifer Error Recovery in Soar Agents slides
Konik, Tolga Learning by observation using Inductive Logic Programming: Recent Progress slides
Laird, John Haunt Project Overview slides
Lonsdale, Deryle NL-Soar and LG-Soar: ongoing work slides
Magerko, Brian Interactive Drama: Soar as a Story Director slides
Nielsen, Paul Robustness in Behavioral Modeling slides
Nuxoll, Andrew Advancing STEAM slides
Pearson, Douglas The STI: Connecting Soar's Tools slides
Reece, Douglas An Approach for Using Soar with the OneSAF Modeling Infrastructure slides
Ritter, Frank Task analysis of cognitive model interfaces slides
Rosbe, Jim SoarTech update slides
Smith, Phill Autonomous Systems Design for Combat UAV Operations slides
Stokes, Devvan Connecting Soar to Unreal (with Alex Kerfoot) slides
Taylor, Glenn VISTA: A Generic Toolkit for Visualizing Agent Behavior slides
Taylor, Glenn Social Soar Agents slides
Mike van Lent, Michael Mission Rehearsal Exercise slides
Mike van Lent, Michael Perception in the Mission Rehearsal Exercise slides
Mike van Lent, Michael Spatial Reasoning and Motion Graphs slides
Wallace, Scott Detecting Errors in Human-Level Agents slides
Waterson, Chris TinySoar: Soar on Lego Mindstorms slides
Wessling, Jens Soar Kernel Interface slides
Wray, Robert Thinking on Its Feet: Using Soar to Represent Human Behavior in Urban Combat slides
Wray, Robert Quantitative Category Learning in Soar: Progress and Roadblocks slides