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19th North American Soar Workshop

May 20th-23rd, 1999

Ann Arbor, MI

Participant group photo
Participant group photo


Presenter Title Links
Emotion and Fatigue
Jonathan Gratch Why You Should Buy an Emotional Planner slides
Randy Jones
(presented by J Laird)
Real-time Modeling of Reaction Time in Soar: Support for Psychological Models of Fatigue slides
Ron Chong Towards a Model of Fear in Soar slides
Psychological Models
Randy Hill Modeling Perceptual Attention in Virtual Humans slides
Youngjun Kim How Long Does an Agent Focus on a Specific Task slides
Weixiong (Wayne) Zhang Gaining Battlefield Awareness Through Entity Clustering and Classification slides
Deryle Lonsdale Analogical Modeling of Language in Soar slides
Architectural Comparisons
Richard M. Young Brief Introduction to ACT-R for Soarers: Soar and ACT-R still have much to learn from each other slides
Scott Wallace Comparing Soar with CLIPS slides
Sayan Bhattacharyya Comparing Soar with BDI Architectures slides
Mazin Assanie Teaching an Agent via Constrained Interactive Natural Language Dialog slides
Mike van Lent Learning by Observation in Complex Domains slides
Gourabmoy Nath Situated Learning Approach to Designing Using Soar slides
Bill Kennedy Manually Excising Soar Chunks During Long-Term Learning slides
Soar Development
Karen Coulter Soar Support Update slides
Scott Wallace Soar Lite slides
Robert Wray Benchmarking Soar: Using Soar's Timers slides
Tony Kalus viSoar - an Integrated Soar Development Environment slides
John Laird Visual Soar slides
Mike van Lent SocketIO and You slides
Planning and Teamwork
Randy Hill Command and Control Modeling in Soar slides
Jonathan Gratch How to Make Your Planner Rude slides
Richard Whitney Soaring with Stealth slides
David Pynadath Toward Team-Oriented Programming slides
Weixiong (Wayne) Zhang DYNAMITE: Automated Negotiating Teams slides
Soar Community
Jim Rosbe Soar Technology, Inc. Update slides
Karl Schwamb ExpLore Reasoning Systems, Inc. Update slides
Tony Kalus Soar Usage Outside the USA slides
Mike van Lent Update on the Soar/Games Project slides
Russ Tedrake Soaring with Descent3 slides
Takehiko Ohno Toward Modeling Real-Time Game Player with Soar slides
Sergej Roytman Soar Agents for a Driving Simulator slides
Mitchell Goodman (presented by J Laird) Intelligent, Believable, Social Agents in a Real-Time 3-D World slides