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The 17th North American Soar Workshop

June 27th - June 29th, 1997

Columbus, OH

Archived contents provided by Rick Lewis.

Original URL:


Friday, June 27th

Time Duration Presenter Title
 1900—1915  15 Rick Lewis  Introductions & announcements
 1915—1925  10 Collect transparencies
 1925   Travel to Johnson's home for cookout

Saturday, June 28th

Time Duration Presenter Title Slides
 0830—0900 30 Breakfast
Agents and I/O
0900—0915 15 John Laird Update on TacAir-Soar slides
0915—0930 15 Paul Rosenbloom RWA update slides
0930—0945 15 Randy Hill RWA/IFOR perception slides
0945—1000 15 John Laird Building agents quickly slides
1000—1015 15 Michael van Lent Learning hierarchical operators from observation slides
1015—1035 20 Break  
1035—1050 15 Michael van Lent Creating a Soar agent to play Descent slides
1050—1115 25 Bob Wray Designing I/O with Soar: Possibilities, Guidelines and Interactions slides
1115—1140 25 John Laird Group discussion: I/O
Community and System Updates I
1140—1155 15 Tom Head Soar 7.0.4+ Distribution Update
1155—1200 5 Clare Congdon Soar manual update slides
1200—1305  65 Lunch
Human Cognition and Behavior I
1305—1310 5 Bonnie John HI-Soar
1310—1325 15 Hongbin Wang Hybrid Soar/Echo model of tactical decision making slides
1325—1340 15 Ron Chong Epic-Soar slides
1340—1355  15 Yannick Lallement ATC-Epic/Soar slides
1355—1410  15 Break  
1410—1505 55 Bob Wray Operand2 slides
1505—1520 15 Wray/Laird Group discussion: Operand2
1520—1545 25 Break
Subgroup sessions
(see below for sugroup reports)
1545—1550 5 Organization of subgroups
1550—1655 65 Subgroup sessions
1655—1710 15 Break
Architecture and system update
1710—1740 30 K. Coulter & Randy Jones Soar 7.1 slides
1740—1755 15 Randy Jones Tcl/Tk Soar Interface slides
1815—2000 Dinner at Taj Palace
Demos at CIS Department
2000 Travel to CIS Department
2015—2200 105 Demos
2200   Return to Ramada

Sunday, June 29th

Time Duration Presenter Title Slides
 0830 30 Breakfast
Human Cognition and Behavior II
0900—0915 15 Tony Kalus Intelligent decision support system slides
0915—0930 15 Todd Johnson Memory and Learning in Act-R/Soar slides
0930—0950 20 Rick Lewis A new theory of working memory in sentence processing slides
0950—1005 15 Paul Rosenbloom Emotion slides
1005—1020 15 Randy Jones Constraints on the design of a high level model of cognition slides
 1020-1045 25 Break  
1045—1100 15 Jonathan Gratch Planning, replanning and execution
1100—1115 15 Lewis Johnson Update on pedagogical agents slides
1115—1120 5 Clare Congdon AAAI tutorial slides
1120—1135 15 Sayan Bhattacharyya Capability analysis
Community and System Updates II
1135—1140 5 Mazin As-Sanie Introduction slides
1140—1145 5 Patrick Kenny Introduction
1145—1150 5 Uluc Saranli Introduction
1150—1200 10 Tony Kalus Soar usage in Europe slides
1200—1205 5 Karen Coulter Soar email addresses
1205—1305 60 Lunch  
Subgroup reports
1305—1320 15 Jill Lehman Cognitive modelling and psychological theory
Paul Nielsen Commercialization of Soar slides
Bob Wray Operand2 slides
Natural Language
1320—1335 15 Deryle Lonsdale Generation in NL-Soar slides
1335—1350 15 Julie Van Dyke Second language acquisition slides
Human Cognition and Behavior III
1350—1405 15 Erik Altmann Individual differences in attention microstrategies slides
1405—1420 15 Break
1420—1435 15 Todd Johnson Frequency learning using SCA slides
Community and System Updates III
1435—1450 15 Karl Schwamb (ERS) The ERS Soar Kernel API slides
1450—1505 15 Karl Schwamb (ERS) KB Agent, A Commercial Version of Soar: Plans and Status slides
1505—1535 30 Jill Lehman Wrap-up