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SublimeText Soar Tools Package

This extension allows the cross-platform editor SublimeText ( to provide Soar-specific functionality. This package provides the following:

  • Automatic indentation
  • Syntax coloring
  • Code folding
  • Production snippets that help you code faster
  • The ability to run the Soar CLI from SublimeText if you have the SublimeREPL package installed



After installing Package Control, use the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) to select Install Package and then search for "Soar Tools".

Current Functionality

Syntax Highlighting

Files with the .soar extension are assumed to be Soar files and are highlighted accordingly. Code folding is also provided but is irregular at the moment. The plugin highlights both Soar productions and other curly-braced sections, like smem --add commands:

Syntax highlighting
Syntax highlighting


Production snippets help you code faster:

Production snippets
Production snippets

and SoarDoc snippets help you document faster:

SoarDoc snippets
SoarDoc snippets

SoarUnit Build Command

You can run SoarUnit on a single file or on an entire project as a build command (CTRL+B). See project Readme for setup details.

Soar REPL Integration

You can run the Soar CLI from SublimeText if you have the SublimeREPL package installed (see the project Readme for setup details). Highlighting included!


Contributions Welcome

Suggestions or questions, patches and PR's are welcome. Speak your mind on the issues page!


Nathan Glenn