25th Soar Workshop

June 13-17, 2005, Ann Arbor, MI

Download printable Soar Workshop 25 flyer

The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the University of Michigan and Soar Technology, Inc. are pleased to announce that the 25th Soar Workshop will be held Monday, June 13 through Friday, June 17, 2005, in Ann Arbor, MI. Soar Tutorials will be offered on June 13 and 14, in conjunction with the Workshop.

All workshop, hotel, tutorial and additional information will be available on this web page. Periodic updates may be announced to soar-group, but please check this web page for the most up-to-date information.


Each year members of the Soar community--faculty, scientists, graduate students, technical staff and developers--gather together for several days of intensive interaction and exchange on Soar. The Soar community is widely distributed geographically. These workshops provide the opportunity for having face-to-face conversations, for hearing about the current status of other participants’ research, and for looking forward to what will be happening in the future. We will try to give as many members of the community as possible the opportunity to describe their research or to discuss whatever Soar issues are of concern to them. This means the time available per talk is quite short (typically either 5 or 15 minutes). Since workshop attendees are already well-entrenched in the Soar world, however, brief talks that concentrate on only the essentials work very well.

The Soar Workshop is announced on the soar-group mailing list, but we do want to ensure that everyone actively working with Soar does get invited. If you know of anyone who really should have been invited, but did not receive an announcement, please let us know. Proceedings from the previous Soar workshops are available online:

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Registration Information

To help defray the costs of the workshop, we require a registration fee of $75 (USD) per person. Please make checks payable to Soar Workshop 25. The registration fee includes lunches for the three workshop dates (June 15-17) and dinner on both Tuesday, June 14 and Thursday, June 16.

Use the following form to register:

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A tutorial session for beginners will be provided during the day on Monday and Tuesday, June 13 and 14, at no additional cost (tutorials are included in registration fee).  There will be no advanced tutorial this year; the advanced content will be blended into the workshop.

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Speaker Information

The workshop format is presentations only--no formal papers. Please send us a copy of your presentations via e-mail before the workshop as we will be generating and providing proceedings for all workshop attendees as well as archiving them on the web. Powerpoint (.ppt) and Adobe PDF (.pdf) formats are preferred.

If this is not possible, please bring a hardcopy of your slides to the dinner on the evening of the 14th (Tuesday) printed single sided with multiple slides per page (2, 4 or 6 depending on readability) to conserve space in the proceedings.

Additional information that we will need from you will be requested on the registration form. Please fill it out completely.

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Workshop/Tutorial Location, Schedule and Maps

Workshop schedule (June 13-17, 2004):

Monday (6/13)

Tuesday (6/14)

Wednesday (6/15)

Thursday (6/16)

Friday (6/17)

Beginner tutorial at ATL (9am - 5pm)

Soar Workshop 24 at Soar Technology (9am - 5pm)

Dinner at Pizza House (see below) (6:30 pm)

Dinner at 6:30 pm


The beginner tutorials will be held on Monday and Tuesday, June 13-14, during the day at the Advanced Technology Lab on the North Campus of the University of Michigan. Maps are available below.

The workshop will begin on the evening of Tuesday, June 14, with a dinner gathering at Pizza House at 6:30 PM , and will end Friday, June 17. The workshop will be held at the KIVA Conference Room, Soar Technology, Inc., 3600 Green Court, Ann Arbor, approximately 1 mile from the north campus of the University of Michigan. Detailed maps are available, showing the locations of the Workshop and Tutorials, hotels, campuses of the University of Michigan, and Ann Arbor relative to the airport:

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Contact Information

Questions and information regarding the workshop should be directed via email to John Laird (laird@umich.edu) or:

Soar Workshop 25
c/o John Laird
1101 Beal Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2110

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Hotel Accommodations

Rooms can be reserved for attendees of the Soar Wrokshop at the following hotels, directly adjacent to the Workshop location, and a mile from the University of Michigan North Campus.  Ask for the "Soar" rate at Hawthorn, Microtel and Holiday Inn.

Two hotels very close but not adjacent:

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Last updated Febuary 14, 2005 by voigtjr.