24th Soar Workshop: Registration

Below is the information we need to register you for the workshop. Please fill out the form as completely as possible. The registration will not be accepted if the fields marked "required" are not filled out. Thank you!

Step 1: Attendee Information







Step 2: Registration Fee

To help defray costs of the workshop, we require a $75 (USD) registration fee per person (except for invited speakers). 

Please select one: (required)

I will pay the $75 (USD) registration fee at the workshop.
I am an invited speaker (registration is free).

Step 3: Presentations

We will give as many members of the community as possible the opportunity to describe their research or discuss whatever Soar issues are of concern to them.

Please select one: (required)

I do not wish to give a presentation at the workshop (skip to step 4, "Tutorials").
I would like to give at least one presentation at the workshop.

Presentation Information:

I would like to give a presentation at the Soar Workshop:
5 minute talk, 15 minute talk, Other: minutes.

I would like to give a second presentation at the Soar Workshop:
5 minute talk, 15 minute talk, Other: minutes.

I would like to give a third presentation at the Soar Workshop!
5 minute talk, 15 minute talk, Other: minutes.

If you would like to do more than 3 presentations, put the information in the text block below (step 5).

Step 4: Tutorials

Tutorials will be held Monday and Tuesday (June 7-8) at the Advanced Technology Lab (University of Michigan).

Please select one: (required)

I would like to attend the beginner Soar tutorials on Monday, June 7 and Tuesday, June 8.
I am not going to attend the Soar tutorials.

Step 5: Other Information

If you have additional information that you would like to provide to workshop organizers (such as requests for special dietary considerations or requests for more than three presentation slots, etc) or suggestions for workshop discussion sessions, please enter it here:


Step 6: Submit

Please click only once when the form is complete:

Feel free to email soar-help@lists.sourceforge.net if you have any questions.

Last updated June 3, 2004 by voigtjr.